Interesting News, Articles & Stuff


I am the beetle in a box that only you can see
@florduh my experience seeing the UK reported through the eyes of foreign correspondents ("London's no-go Islamist enclaves") has made me significantly more skeptical about the opinions of foreign journos embedded in Iran/South Sudan/ Afghanistan/ Palestine/ Ukraine.

I work in an area which frequently attracts media attention, and rarely - if ever - do I agree with their presentation of the facts. 21st C news journalism wears the mask of truth like warriors talk about achieving a just peace whilst dropping bombs


Well-Known Member
We need to shut down all cable news. Not just Fox. The Liberal networks are an absolute cancer as well.

He's holding the exact bike lock Columbia recommends and sells to students. And Biden's favorite News Hosts are sitting there, affirming this bullshit narrative.

Morning Joe has always been a moron. From 16 years ago:

Amazing video for a bunch of reasons. Joe has to sit there, next to the woman he's fucking behind his current wife's back, as her father calls him a dipshit on his own national TV show.

It's been 16 years, and Joe has learned absolutely nothing on this topic.


Well-Known Member

What will happen if the ICC charges Netanyahu with war crimes?​

The Netanyahu video statement concerning the ICC

:peace: :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Seems like a good time to remind people that Joe Biden has always been a vile scumbag on the wrong side of history.


LOL. The 3 million people we killed was an oopsie! Shocking that this piece of shit went on to whip votes for the Iraq War.

He also was very mad at anti-segregation protestors and loved hugging and kissing unrepentant KKK member Strom Thurmond on the mouth.


Well-Known Member

Why couldn't Rosa Parks just move to the back of the bus? Police gave her a lawful order to move. Dissent must never lead to disorder. The people on that bus were just trying to get to work, and she had to make a big commotion. That's not the way to bring people over to your cause. I'm a liberal, by the way.


Old & In the Way
Yesterday, students at Purchase College (a small piece of State University of New York in tony Westchester County about 25 miles from NYC) started a small Encampment on a lawn out behind the cafeteria building.
Late in the day they were told there was now a 10pm curfew on campus.
At 10 they were swarmed by NY State Police (campus police are State Police), County Police, and forces from a local village, Port Chester, which is not even contiguous with campus property.
A helicopter flew overhead as 20 students were summarily arrested - for breaking curfew.
The were taken to Port Chester????

I can only assume this will escalate rapidly, both here and on campuses across the country.
I have seen this before, as I was part of the Student Strike of 1970.

One big difference now is the power and weaponry handed to "law enforcement" by the Patriot Act, our country's regressionist response to 911. Police became militarized. And they love the new toys.
I remember watching the twin towers fall, and crying as I knew this would be the beginning of the end of so many "liberties" we had previously enjoyed.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
One big difference now is the power and weaponry handed to "law enforcement" by the Patriot Act, our country's regressionist response to 911. Police became militarized. And they love the new toys.

We face the same violence in Europe. The tools they use to overpower protests make people loose their eye or their hand, sometime their jaw... sometimes they even manage to kill someone with those supposedly "non lethal" weapons.
People are more and more afraid to go on the street. Except the right and far right movements that are almost not repressed...

This world seem more and more fucked up.

If the laws were fair and square, then the people in power shouldn't even have to enforce them... or only marginally. But this mass repression strategy is just plain fascism.

From antic Greece to nowadays, democracies never have been anything but a parody. The only purpose always have been to fuel the domination of a certain class over all the other living beings.


Well-Known Member
I think the terrifying thing is the incredibly fast, coordinated, and violent response from every level of power. Almost every politician, the entire media, all the Pigs from coast to coast.

From antic Greece to nowadays, democracies never have been anything but a parody. The only purpose always have been to fuel the domination of a certain class over all the other living beings.

Right. I don't want to hear any Americans crying about China or Russia or Cuba ever again for the rest of my life. When the commies arrest protestors, do you think they say "we're arresting you because we hate free speech"? No. They declare an assembly unlawful, then arrest everyone for trespassing. Same as in Freedumb Land.

To the best of my knowledge, neither CNN nor MSDNC interviewed one of the protestors to get their perspective. But Fox did. I don't think this kid sounds unhinged, unreasonable or like a terrorist. Quite the opposite.

Twitter is extremely obnoxious for watching video, but of course Fox isn't going to upload the interview to YouTube. Because this nice young lad calmly destroys the entire narrative that the media, the President, and nearly every other politician is pushing down everyone's throats. I encourage everyone to hear him out.

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Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member

SEC charges Trump Media auditor with ‘massive fraud’ on hundreds of companies, imposes lifetime ban

  • The auditing firm for Trump Media and the auditor’s owner were charged with “massive fraud” by the Securities and Exchange Commission for work that affected more than 1,500 SEC filings, the federal regulator announced.
  • The auditor, BF Borgers CPA and its owner Benjamin Borgers have agreed to be permanently suspended from practicing as accountants before the SEC, and also agreed to pay a combined $14 million in civil penalties, the SEC said.


Well-Known Member

SEC charges Trump Media auditor with ‘massive fraud’ on hundreds of companies, imposes lifetime ban

  • The auditing firm for Trump Media and the auditor’s owner were charged with “massive fraud” by the Securities and Exchange Commission for work that affected more than 1,500 SEC filings, the federal regulator announced.
  • The auditor, BF Borgers CPA and its owner Benjamin Borgers have agreed to be permanently suspended from practicing as accountants before the SEC, and also agreed to pay a combined $14 million in civil penalties, the SEC said.
Sounds like fake news, Trump only hires the best people.


Old & In the Way

Man, fuck this planet. I'm gonna go be a train conductor on the Moon ✌️


"No ticket"👇

We can already levitate trains, kinda.
Where the heck would the train go on the Moon? Funding seems premature.

Me -- I'm ready for that quantum dot solar sail. It's high time we explored some strange, new worlds and shit!


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member

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Well-Known Member

Bibi never had any intention of ending the war in exchange for the hostages. Because the second the war ends, he's getting thrown out of office and into jail. Sure glad Biden is virtually guaranteeing a second Trump term in America all to keep Israeli Trump out of prison 👍


I also didn't realize that Cindy McCain is thriving now that her absusive, war criminal husband is burning in Hell.

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Well-Known Member
In the news about a month ago

Israeli Government Passes Law to Push Out Al Jazeera, Other Foreign News Operations​

Al Jazeera faces ‘security threat’ ban as Israel passes new law. Israeli legislators have approved a bill paving the way for a ban on Al Jazeera and other international news outlets perceived as posing a threat to security.​

Israel’s government passes law to temporarily shut down Al Jazeera​

And you know it was coming,

Al Jazeera office raided as Israel takes channel off air​

Al Jazeera broadcasts suspended in Israel, offices raided, after ban approved by Netanyahu cabinet​



Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
Marijuana ‘theme park’ was scam to make man $600,000, feds say. ‘Bud and breakfast’
Nearly two dozen investors were duped by a salesman’s “wildly optimistic” promises about a marijuana “theme park” in Alaska, according to federal prosecutors. Those promises cost them more than $600,000. Brian Keith Corty’s proposed cannabis theme park resort — dubbed a “Bud and Breakfast” — caused 22 people to invest thousands of dollars into the venture, prosecutors said.


Well-Known Member
I've never heard of this guy before, but credit where credit is due. A MSDNC host expertly dismantles the hypocrisy over the campus protest hysteria.

Mitt Romney, in a conversation with noted war criminal Anthony Blinken, accidentally let slip that the government is banning TikTok because daily exposure to burnt infants and toddlers getting limbs amputated without anesthesia have turned the youths against Israel.

Very shameful for this convo to be happening at the McCain Institute :disgust:

John McCain was a goddamn hero. Uncle Ho's greatest fighter, downing more imperialist bombers than any NVA fighter pilot.


Well-Known Member
Why is the dumbest man in Britain a better journalist than anyone working at the NYT, CNN, or MSNBC?

Israel says they've killed 14,000 KHAMAS fighters. And there's 4,000 left in Rafah.

These numbers are almost certainly compete bullshit. But for fun, I'll play along. A little back of the napkin math shows that less than 1% of Gazans have chosen to violently resist Israel? More than 99% choose to take everything on the chin?

Holy shit. The Palestinians sure seem like incredibly peaceful people! I guar-un-tee that if a few million Americans had to live like Gazans or non-Jews in the West Bank WAY more than 1% would get violent.

Here's how Y'all Qaeda reacted to only being able to get Jalapeno Poppers to go for a few months:



Well-Known Member
Is talking over your guest good journalism? Piers Morgan is NOT a journalist in my opinion, he is just a salesman if you ask me.

Edit, I am a fan of this newsletter however which I think does a great job of bashing Piers Moron 😂
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Well-Known Member
Is talking over your guest good journalism?

Asking a simple question of a government official and holding their feet to the fire until they answer it is good journalism. Having a polite chin wag with government officials is bad journalism.

Piers Morgan is NOT a journalist in my opinion, he is just a salesman if you ask me

I completely agree. That's why all the "real" journalists should be embarrassed. A dumb baboon accidentally stumbled into doing a better job than them. Shameful.

I've seen numerous CNN talking heads nod along as an IDF spokesperson says "we kill fewer civilians than any military in human history" without asking Pierce's simple follow up question.

As the baboon said in the clip "I didn't think this was a gotchya question!"


Well-Known Member
Asking a simple question of a government official and holding their feet to the fire until they answer it is good journalism. Having a polite chin wag with government officials is bad journalism.

I completely agree. That's why all the "real" journalists should be embarrassed. A dumb baboon accidentally stumbled into doing a better job than them. Shameful.

I've seen numerous CNN talking heads nod along as an IDF spokesperson says "we kill fewer civilians than any military in human history" without asking Pierce's simple follow up question.

As the baboon said in the clip "I didn't think this was a gotchya question!"

To be fair, there is a lot of bad journalism but still I am not sure we should provide any sort of praise to Piers 😂
Somewhat more seriously, but still in the essence of friendly chat, I do think that constantly interrupting your guest to repeat your point and not allowing them to answer is what I think lets him down here, not the question if and of itself.

Well, that and the fact that I do not think Piers Moron has held a consistent viewpoint on anything so it feels like bloviating 😅
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