Interesting News, Articles & Stuff


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The media hysteria over New York subway crime has gone international.

I've spoken to Catholic School girls who are unafraid of going into the tube, and grown men who are absolutely terrified

LOL. Sometimes all it takes is an outside perspective. In two minutes, this British lady is able to explain the entire subway crime panic.

Crime is extremely rare on the subway. There is one crime per 1 million rides. Add as many cops to the stations as you want, there will never be enough to prevent a 1 in a million event. Crime is at near historic lows in New York (and America).

However, there is a rise in the number of homeless and visibly mentally ill people riding the subways, especially overnight. This makes riders feel unsafe.

Instead of correcting the societal problems of affordable housing and mental healthcare, the government's solution is to make riders feel safer by stuffing stations with cops.

Basically this:

Images Repair GIF by getflexseal

Very embarrassing to have a 300-year-old British paper telling people America is a hillbilly country that FlexTapes over its problems :disgust:


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I guess all the cops and soldiers are the Harkonens :hmm:

Bless the Maker and His water.
Bless the coming and going of Him.
May His passage cleanse the world.
May He keep the world for His people.


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:peace: :leaf:


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Can someone who thinks our economic system isn't built on complete bullshit please explain this to me? A proven liar lies about his company (again) and the value of this company increases?



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I don't get it? We banned TikTok. But these dumb kids still think mass murder and ethnic cleansing are bad. Oh well. Time to have the cops beat their skulls in. I'm a liberal by the way.


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Oh....don't worry about that, Radwin. The Biden Admin is on the case!

The IDF already refused to do an investigation because the mass graves are "fake news".

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Oh No! Mr macbill!!
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The Republican Governor of one of the Dakotas did a bad job training her puppy. So she dragged the puppy down to a gravel pit and shot it in the head. Now she's bragging about how it makes her tough.

Trump is still the odds-on favorite to be President again next year. He's an old, unhealthy, fat man. Governor Noem is the front runner to be his VP pick.

If this woman can look her own perfectly healthy puppy in the eye and shoot it in the head, can't imagine what sort of fascist horrors she'll unleash as President.


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Very Smart Liberals like Obama, and Mayor Pete, and Hillary, and all the talking heads on CNN and MSDNC were so fucking terrified of this nice old Jewish grandpa becoming the President, that they moved Heaven and Earth to make Joe Biden the nominee in 2020.

There is a lot of child blood on the hands of Very Smart Liberals now.

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