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:peace: :leaf:


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This dumb pig is pointing his gun at a man who was burning to death, risking the life of the EMT. America is a sicko country.



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:peace: :leaf:


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member

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Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member

"Please," wrote comedian Jay Black. "Give Lauren Boebert’s family the same decency and respect in this time of crisis as she and the rest of the Republicans have given Hunter Biden."

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Well-Known Member
The Supreme Court has successfully stopped any chance for a verdict on Trump's Federal insurrection case before the election.

To be fair, the Constitution doesn't say the Supreme Court can't intervene to help their preferred Presidential candidate. And it doesn't say Justices can't sell favorable rulings. But it also doesn't say Biden can't name about 5, 29-year-old recent law school graduates with they/them pronouns to the court either :shrug:.


Well-Known Member

More than 100.

Joe and Bibi have lost Thomas Friedman. A guy who's never met a war he didn't like.


I like how with every war, centrist liberals eventually come around to sounding like the people they were calling naive radicals (or worse) at the beginning of the war. Today, almost everyone acts like they were against the Iraq War from the start. But that war had 70% approval in 2003 so there's a lot of liars out there.

Maybe we should start listening to the people who point out that these wars never accomplish what the warmongers say they will before there's months or years of unnecessary carnage:shrug:?



Well-Known Member

This is maybe the most humiliating thing I've ever seen. The greatest empire this world has ever known having so little control over their client state. Being forced to drop aid from the sky because the country we give billions per year to won't let us drive it in. Truly pathetic stuff. You hate to see it, folks.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker

This is maybe the most humiliating thing I've ever seen. The greatest empire this world has ever known having so little control over their client state. Being forced to drop aid from the sky because the country we give billions per year to won't let us drive it in. Truly pathetic stuff. You hate to see it, folks.
Not to say that those air drops are extremely difficult to coordinate and succeed without proper technicians on the ground. And the US military definitely won't sent any.
Radwin Bodnic,
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And the US military definitely won't sent any.

They literally can't send any even if they wanted. Biden has given Bibi every dollar and bomb he wants. And gave him carte blanch to prosecute this "war" however he wants. Bibi turns around and spits in his face. And let's be honest, Bibi desperately wants Trump to win. Just like he tried to dick over Obama in 2012. It's pathetic.

Biden's biggest problem is that voters view him as a weak old man. But he's also acting like a weak old man. The dying leader of a dying empire that can't keep its client state in line.

p... p... p... p... Pllllease, Mr. Trump! Help me pass this Republican immigration bill!

I thought Trump is the biggest threat to democracy the world has ever known?
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Microbe minion

The longer the sand is buried under ground, the more radioactivity it is exposed to and the more energy it builds up.
When the grains are exposed in the lab, they release the energy in light form and scientists can calculate their age.
"In our dark laboratory, we see light from these sand grains. The brighter the light then the older the sediment grains and the longer it is since they've been buried," says Prof Duller.


Well-Known Member
I'm rewatching Veep right now. It's amazing how much she's like Selina Meyer.

In another Veep move, her team is shivving POTUS in the press.


We'll have to see if this is more Veep or Game of Thrones, because Kamala is gunning for the top spot.



As someone who understands we didn't just fall out of a coconut tree, I personally support and uphold Kamala Harris Thought.


Well-Known Member

Those people deserve to spend every waking moment in fear. A bunch of creepy weirdos in robes most voters voted against get to be the final arbiters of the law in this country? Fuck off.

What is the point of the Supreme Court? If you believe they're impartial scholars soberly deciding the law, you have a baby's brain. It's a bunch of Partisans. Count up the number of "D's" and "R's" that's how the case is decided. It's just Congress with extra steps. Shut it down.
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