Well-Known Member
Yea you will be signing a different tune if you were in the same situation as some of us. Like say me I have owned an Inhalater for just over a year now(I bought my 004 in August) and I have used it for 5 months of the 14 months its been. So I think some of us are in a little different of a situation then you. Saying that I can't wait till I get mine back!! It was my best portable IMO for huge clouds and steathiness. I'll also report back once I get mine and get to try it. You'll either see a praise or a classified ad lol
I understand some users have had to deal with a lot more than me. What I don't understand is how someone can purchase a new vape on the market and expect a perfect model. Virtually every vape to hit the market has had QC issues for a while. This is true for just about any technology, you want a flawless unit, buy the one that has been around for a while and proven reliable. You want the newest and best technology? then you're going to have to deal with some set backs. Plan accordingly and have a backup vape if you need it.
Once the results of the Inhalater XP came back, the question wasn't IF we should buy one, it was WHEN to buy one. While the company is still changing the design a lot, i think it is stable enough now that anyone could buy a q3 and it be hassle free.