so we should not run burns? or should we run them with the capsule in?It is preferable not to run the unit without capsule or charge. In these circumstance, extremely concentrated heat may work to deform and damage heating chamber.
I own one of the very first XP shipped from PV with four holes and all...
I remember some posters having problem with a loose dial knob in the INH004 thread and they just had to tighten the screw to fix the problem. I just can't remove the cap with the temp dial sticker to access that said screw. I'm trying hard but it just won't pop out. I know it can be removed,as shown in the manual for changing the battery...
Does anyone know what that INH post was in response to? We ran burns on the 04 with no issues. Why all of a sudden and what kind of damage can it do. We need burns to get the excess resin off. Not being able to run burns will be horrible.
It was definitely in response to my post about doing a burn, although i'm a bit confused as why it would cause deformation as well and would like some clarification.
I mean, what's the difference between doing a burn and just leaving it on 8 with a capsule/plant material in and not hitting it for 10 minutes?
I made this misktake. The knob is now glued on but should not need to be removed to get at the battery. There is a seam above the knob that slides off. I've had mine apart and there is nothing you can easily fix in there to change the behavior of the knob. I really wouldn't recommend taking it apart.
That statement made me so happyI placed my order yesterday, I guess that means I'll have mine next week!
Is there a way to modify my order to add more capsules? Or do I have to make a separate order?
My brand new Stormtrooper(white xp) just arrived, I couldnt wait so I snatched from the mailman hands as I handed my ID, so pumped!!!! It looks way more sexy in person.
As soon as my camera battery charges Ill try to upload some pics from this beatiful device.
Just a couple of question for my fellow XP users:
I know I have to wait for the battery to charge completely for 6 hrs before the first use, is it advisable to test it while its charging or should I just wait(I just want to know if the unit works properly)? How do I know when it's completely charged?
Once Im ready to use it, should I turn the heat on without materiak to burn factory oils? If so, for how long?
Thanks in advance, Ill probably have more questions as I remember.
The charging light shuts off when fully charged. I do not recommend using it without a few burn offs. I forgot to do this with mine and the first few uses left my throat very irritated. It progressively got better as I used it. If you must burn it off with material inside I would use ABV or tobacco. Again, I would do this several times before using it.
I know the units are pre charged when you get them, i guess 2 hrs was all it needed. Maybe draining it fully then recharging will help.
Thanks a lot for your fast response, its just that I mainly bought it for its battery life as Im need of a portable device and is disappointing after hearing that it runs for about 8 capsules, and mine died after 1.
Hopefully your advice works. Thanks again.
Thanks a lot for your fast response, its just that I mainly bought it for its battery life as Im need of a portable device and is disappointing after hearing that it runs for about 8 capsules, and mine died after 1.
Hopefully your advice works. Thanks again.
I think he ran into auto shutoff mode..
DBV post some pics! Ill be getting a white one in soon too, not sure when but I cant wait.
Lmao!! That solves my problem, Im in love with my stormtrooper, been cheatin on da buddha since it arrived. This thing hits like a truck for such a small size, its awesome.
Your pics and vids sold me and I even got it from the same guy, so yes I will post pics for you guys as soon as my gf arrives from work with the camera, she cant wait to try it herself.