It's time I post my experiences so far...
Pre-ordered 11/23/2012 through Planetvape, waited patiently and was part of the first batch of four holed units shipped in February. Unfortunately, my problems matched another FC members of too much heat and little to zero vapor production. Trust me, it's not me, the unit's calibration is off as it simply does not produce vapor no matter what I do, but it does get very hot.
Sent an email to Inhalator the same day I received the unit and Greg responded quickly stating a replacement would be sent in short order. That was a two weeks ago.
I requested an update earlier this week again and was told I was on the list and that a replacement XP would be sent out soon. That put me over the edge....I reached out to PV for help via email. My patience had reached it's end. (I did really good up to this point

I'm as impatient as anyone, but can keep it off the boards)
I received a call from Greg at Inhalator within the hour of reaching out to PV. He told me my new two holed XP would ship out on Monday along with a few others. He was clear, polite, communicative, detailed and most of all, apologetic for the problems. Just a simple call to let me know i was important and that my business did matter....goes a long way with me.
Five minutes after getting off the phone I received a call from PV, just checking in and letting me know I was being heard. Another phone call...people forget how much that matters this day and age...both company's could have hid behind a computer monitor, but they picked up the phone...I really appreciate that.
While the story is not over, they won me over....again. I'm calm, I know what's going on and feel comfortable that a functional XP will arrive within the next 5-7 business days. I'll report back with findings when it gets here as discussed. In the interim I can say I am impressed with both Pharmacore and PV today, turned me from absolutely livid to having faith in the world again.