Well, I came here because I finally had a chunk of money to burn and an itch for a new vape but aftert that last post I think I'll keep moving, again.
I always wanted this vape to be awesome but warranty problems and hearing that units are still being temperamental keep driving me away.
If the price was a little better (~ 149.99) I think I would be more willing to jump in no matter the issues simply because this vape does everything I want. Maybe a price drop will happen soon?
Edit: this thing has been on my wish list for a long time, I really would like to see it happen soon.
This company is in a much better place these days.. IMO they went through your typical start up pains... I have noticed and experienced improvements all the way around communications, production quality and an eagerness to interact with their consumers to improve there product..... on a good path.....
I can tell you as a consumer that although I will still say it does not quite equal the performance of my Q2 AKA the "Beast" it is a very close runner up {Yes I'm one of those Q2 fans HipHip has referred to} {and yes I too want them to try to get back that performance level} but that all aside in response to your concerns.... I just purchased 2 new Q1 2014 INH XP's and their build quality was solid...by far the best I've seen and I have owned and operated Q2 2013, Q3 2013, and Q4 2013 and now I have a 3 month old Q4 2013 with the slanted ever so slightly switch knob, which has me concerned about the pressure felt by the USB port but so far it has been rock solid....and it was heavily used before I got my Q1 spare.....and now these Q1's we just got almost a month ago.... no more slant switch knob feels really good and smooth and best of all I can't see the USB port moving from side to side like my Q4 clearly does......
Soooooo..... if you have been waiting and really want one of these now is a very good time as it would appear as though they have addressed many of their production issues {tweaks}.....now even though I tell you all of these wonderful things and feel very strongly that you will receive a very good product extremely worthy of it's price tag and my Q1's feel very much like they will have no problem lasting the year and then some......even though I'm clearly giving the thumbs up on whats left of the XP's.......
You just might want to wait just a little bit longer to see how well the INH05's turn out..... issue there is obviously the time in waiting which could possibly be an additional quarter......
For me the choice was clear I went with cover all my bets.....I have a Q4 a spare Q1 both XP's and I'm happily going to be beta testing at least 1 INH05 and should that turn out to reclaim or succeed the performance of my beloved Q2.......you can bet your last dollar I will find a way to get another spare INH05...
I know it can be frustrating hearing the same people complain about their unit, but I think there is some important information there. The majority of people complaining are old users, who saw the XP lose its power and performance to fix quality control issues.
Spot on it was extremely frustrating especially when they seemed to be blaming it on a Max Heat setting.....and also whats with the "old users" bit.....I prefer previous users.....
Anyone who has used a Q2 Inh XP feels like the company sold out, taking an easy fix out to make their product no longer break, but function less. I would argue its more frustrating for them to hear new users praising an obviously inferior unit. :/
I'm not so sure I'd view it as a sell out..... I felt more as if the change control process was a bit loose back then and they really don't know what was changed.....
Slowing watching your amazing XP break and then return inferior makes people feel cheated. But new users don't see that because they never saw the true potential of the XP.
While these types of posts may get 'old,' I think they are necessary for the betterment of the Inhalater. So ignore users if you will, but I for one would like to see the Inh 05 with vapor quality equal to the Q2 XP. No harsh hot temps with ghetto aerocapsules as a solution, and no whispy conduction vapor.
Hopefully Inhalater will hear the concerns and won't dismiss they as simply getting 'old.'
AMEN spot on .... What he said......oh Yea I liked the way you brought the old back into play.....very smooth