Old School
If you were or are a Q2 owner you might be a little disappointed but only a little as it is still a strong performer...however you may find it a bit harsher than the Q2 and you will have to change the way you were used to using it but again only a little.....if strength/power to extract are your main concerns... I feel Inhalater is very much on track with that... I feel they respect that many of there consumers are here because this design is a performer....i am still feeling like walking on a straight line about sending back the upgrade.I am afraid that maybe when it comes it wont be as strong...The xp is a BEAST and it feels like nothing can match it overall...u get 0.4 g fine grinder high grade material u turn it on and u just inhale for 20 minutes non stop.no stirring,no refilling,no flame,no combustion fear,no draw restriction,dense clouds,dark brown all the same color ABV,usb charge and pass through,fits all bongs with silicon mouthpiece,no maintenance(using capsules + one screen at the bottom of the capsule),can charge in the car also or with external usb battery,ABV even dark brown even with REALLY small quantities as well + small clouds,undercover and i can go on and on listing good things about it...
Sorry to play devil advocate here but this could be viewed or seen as a result of all that has transpired... they are not as busy so they are able to get to emails in a more timely manner and transaction/shipping improvements can again be viewed or seen as they have more inventory.....which could be because they improved production or it could also mean consumers are not buying as they were in the beginning......two negatives about it
customer support has been too bad for too long now...but finally it seems like they are getting really on track and i can verify that in the last months i have had excellent communication with them really fast transaction and shipping and awesome deals and right now i am more than ok with their customer support.
CS can only do what the CEO will allow.... which will then only be that which they can do...
Can't say as I can agree with your "2nd bad thing" I like that it's strong.....I use the vacuum method of filling my caps... it is very quick, clean and easy to do..... it also has a few sub-advantages for example when the cap screen or passage way is getting clogged you will know this almost right away because it become to difficult to vacuum fill the cap completely....so time for a clean cap....second bad thing
It is TOO STRONG!!!every time i feel a capsule i start scooping and it just never seems to get full...especially with fine grind.I got to admit that even half the capsule is more than enough for 1 person but when u know u can get these clouds and all the experience in general it is too hard to resist and like 1/4 times i give in and put some more that i really wanted...the capsule tricks u always looking like it could take some more...and some more..
One of my biggest concerns is what appears to be a lack of importance surrounding quality control...
I was lucky enough to have had 2 Q2's which were nothing short of amazing and if either were still working I would NOT upgrade....no way.... if I had a Q3 that was accidentally configured with too low of a max heat setting and you are what has been labeled a cloud chaser...then YES UPGRADE you'll be so glad you did.....but if you already have a Q4 that is functional I wouldn't upgrade until the INH05 hits the streets and it has shown to of truly resolved the USB issue...... because that will be worth upgrading..... I think we would all love to see this headache go away for good....anyway PLEASE people who are getting replacements now or new units latest models report in so we can send upgrades...shipping is to expensive and the xp is TOO good to be without it...

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