I think the Inhalater is a solid choice. It seems really well built, and works amazingly well. (I've owned a lot of portables, and I was hesitant on this one due to the polyimide, but took the plunge after much consideration and research to feel comfortable in its safety)Guys awesome discussion here, I think i am sold on the Inhaler... but worried that since it's new to the market, it might have some defects initially as all new vaps seem to have... really hard justifying over 200 bucks. Should i just go for the flying launch box instead? which can be found for under 100. I am most concerned with the quality/consistency of the vapor and portability second. Many thanks!
I may get struck down (I'm trying to cover my head while typing) for saying this, but I was never satisfied with the results I got off the MFLB ... it took just too long to get sufficiently medicated with it (who has half an hour to sit around and medicate every time they need to? ... people that don't medicate as often as me obviously