In one of these kind of moods today
How is an inhalator cap easier to load then an arizer air stem?That's sad, because we make good vapes here in Canada. I would be MORE interested in the arizers if it had capsules you could just slug in there over and over again.
It's just not as re-loadable.
Agreed, they are both loaded the same way, by "inhaling" the herb into the capsule or stem. I think P2GPTS is referring that it's easier to carry extra loaded stems while out, but IMO, it's just as easy to use one capsule and load as needed.How is an inhalator cap easier to load then an arizer air stem?
Yes indeed.... "poor old" old school is still hanging in here.... trying to be helpful... unsure of any real success at this point... other than my own as I have been able to resurrect several of my units...I've stayed off this thread for some time now. Just dropping by to see how poor old @Old School is doing trying to help desperate Pharmacor tech. owners with their problems.
Even a bit more disappointing was the lack of any sort of apology or even an acknowledgment of any wrong doing what so ever.... I tried to discuss it with him but I basically had to let it lay {drop it}....I know very little about their customer services but one thing all these other companies haven't done is get caught out schilling and making ridiculous claims as far as performance goes. I could not recommend buying anything Inhalator related.
Right on man.... I have been struggling with this very question since they got the boot from this site..@play2GETpaidTUESDAYStoned I bet they would have made the 50k if they didn't piss off so many people with their nonstop antics since way before the XP days even. I remember I bought a XP from a USA vendor after being excited for it to be in stock and was never so disappointed in the build of a vape. wouldnt give them a cent of my money ever again after that.
how to move forward??? same way any company that dug themselves into a massive ditch tries to get out... closing shop or doing something REALLY unexpectedly amazing.that will really have to be something, for a company who has made as many false claims as these guys
Spot on..... I think they have that "oh shinny thing" syndrome... in fact the 06 is a perfect example of what we are saying here...... I've been engaged over 2 years now... in a conversation about the Hybrid ratio of convection/conduction.... so while trying to explain why we need more conv. I was telling him of a method I use to trick their MCU into giving me more of a burst of heat energy.... well long story short I suggested he try using a button on a prototype it will make it much easier to see and understand....... "Oooo Shinny Thing" next thing I know he is wanting to actually mount a thumb switch to the outside of the body and run wires inside..... well this triggered a river of emails of me trying to talk him out of it...... you already know how it went from there.... the "S" modification was born in a very similar "OH Shinny Thing" sort of fashion...... it's no secret I was loving that mod.....I love Inhalater as technology, and distrust it due to Pharmacor's rudderless business mgmt model. Thats why I'm still on the thread - waiting for them to either go full tilt and become a great company, or keep just dingling their toes in the water of vape design, and then toss it aside for this weeks model. Too much churn, not enough support.
Wow totally nailed that spot on as well.... because I am on board....all in as they say.... and you are EXACTLY correct...... on any given day... I still don't have any idea what I'm on board WITH......If they stopped at the 5s and gave it support I'd be back onboard asap. As it is I dunno what I'd be getting onboard with, and I know their support is flaky at best. Sadly it was Pharmacor who taught me to always have a spare vape on hand...
You are too kind...... I'm doing my best to help I do still very much like this design as it has been able to keep me from having to smoke..... I think I'm waiting and hoping for something..... and I agree...whatever it is man.... it's gonna need to be SOMETHING..... and it needs to exceed the "Turbo" button by 10 or 20 fold....I think people are either being played or might possibly with out knowing it playing/arguing with some one who's…trolling or really has no other way of looking at it. But I agree not much else to say or follow here. Good luck @Old School you have an uphill battle and you truly seem to have everyone best intrust at heart.
Hey Old School, if you go back all the way to page 103 of the XP thread, that's where I came in. Right after I introduce myself, this jj5590 idiot with the george bush idiot as his picture comes on and says WHAT AN ESSAY
Inhalater loved what I said, but back then you had people like jj5590 picking on Inhalater because of a dumb sticker that the re-seller I purchased from was NICE enough to remove so that it wouldn't be taken as CHEAP by a new customer looking at something that did that right out of the box. I remember a $300 dollar stage tuner for music by Peterson that I took back to the store for a return for that same issue and the second one had the same cheap glue and eventually I ended up trying to glue it and screwing it up and getting glue on the screen below and luckily Peterson returned it, gave me a free t-shirt and I glued the one the sent to me properly because again it had the same crappy glue that would allow the screen to just peel off.
Dude.... seriously.... the silly ass stickers.... seriously.... this is what you feel folks are concerned with.....Hey Old School, if you go back all the way to page 103 of the XP thread, that's where I came in. Right after I introduce myself, this jj5590 idiot with the george bush idiot as his picture comes on and says WHAT AN ESSAY
Inhalater loved what I said, but back then you had people like jj5590 picking on Inhalater because of a dumb sticker that the re-seller I purchased from was NICE enough to remove so that it wouldn't be taken as CHEAP by a new customer looking at something that did that right out of the box.
It bugged me that people in the xp forum were tough on Inhalater for that issue, when in fact if you talk to them nicely they'll help, and the dumb sticker wouldn't even be of use for a blind person, but yet you treat the product like crap for not having a sticker that sticks.
They say cleanliness is next to godliness...... rock onNEXT ISSUE >>> cleaning inside the unit causes off gassing and eventualy failure
Look, I'm not sure you will care at this point, and there have been electrical issues, usb issues, so I understand more than anyone.
HOW many people do you think ever ordered the $5 dollar PICK TOOL???
Yep keeping things neat and clean is of course a good idea and I would never suggest you shouldn't but rather as much as need be.... if your careful and know exactly what you are dealing with keep it clean is a breeze...... for example and I'm not trying to intimidate you here..... the heater is not below the screen that your so thrilled to be able to remove... but rather the heater is the actual chamber walls that you are swabbing down with a Q-tip..... all you have below that screen inside are 4 divots or recessed holes if you will and of that only 3 are actually useful in letting the air on the outside of the heater {pre-warming chamber} curl around to enter into the inside heat chamber..... the divot hole in the middle doesn't do anything but gather loose particles.... with the screen removed you will only be able to see the center divot.... what you will be able to see of the other 3 divots are only half of their full circles so in other words 3 little half moons... the other halves can;t be seen or cleaned... vacuuming really is the best..... nothing will be combusting no worries there.... the actual heater foils are sealed / encased in Ployimide..... cleaning is still a good thing....please don't get me wrong here... its just that this design doesn't require very much.... as virtually all of the junk build up is in the cap which I happily reclaim.... now there is something worth re-vaping.....You are telling me @ Old School that you clean yours once a year? Do you push the q-tip INSIDE the air intake holes? You obvious are an expert so I admit, I am SCARED by you, to confront you, but you don't seem to be cleaning yours enough IMHO,
I would look at it as if I hardly used my 004 xp for the first year until Inhalater could SEND TO ME MY ULTIMATE package which I got in late January of 2015.
So now that we know I clean min more often per usage, then we now have a clue as to what many of the breaking issues were. And where the off gassing comes from too. It's tar built up next to the heater in the air intake holes, and as you're sucking harder and harder to get air thru, it pulls some pieces loose and causes them to combust and eventually takes your heater down with it. If you start to hear crackle from the heater, you should turn it off, but that is that noise actually is.
This "crucial info" your holding back is which.... this cleaning revelation.... is this what your referring to....?Now that you know this, we now can go all the way back to the xp thread and look at Inhalater begging us to help them with information and to learn how to use their product more efficiently.
Sorry it took me 2 years to get back to you, but I didn't like guys like jj5590 with his george bush logo, heck, nobody likes george bush other than, well george bush, but you guys are bullies and I'm sitting here with crucial information holding back because to be honest, you guys will all say likely that it has nothing to do with nothing and point to a million other issues.
WOW...... so you liked all that......I like the fact that the xp had several different sizes and versions. That would bug some people, but to me that's cool. I like that the customers have been USED as testers, because it makes this more of a family affair, albeit a fractured disfunctional one at this point, but I love the fact they made permanent caps and then phased them out, giving the original species of Inhalater owners a bit of a PERK that others missed out on.
It seems interesting how you appear not to know certain details but then you wish to dredge up all this old garbage with fairly decent detail all followed up with yet another mild but a bit more forceful sale pitch...... might this by why members are asking if you are an employee... really good friend perhaps...Keep in mind they have the 05 on sale for a measly $125 at vape-smart. Here's the link below>>
so for that kind of coin, you won't have any issues with your package being held up at the border, the unit will be coming to you from the USA as well, so it's a good deal, might even have free shipping, I'm not sure, but easier for you to get it there and for that price, if what I'm saying is true, it's a bargain!
Their new MOTO on their website if you click on 'about us' it reads:
so they do get it, sir! They just need customers unlike jj5590 and Ed HYDE and those kind of demanding customers. We have one xp customer who walks away unhappy because of PARANOIA regarding US border security dog sniffers taking his returned broken Inhalater aside and calling him in for questioning....
Not a Problem..... although I seriously question whether your being helpful with all this...whatever this is..Then on my hand I keep calling them back and I keep leaving as a satisfied customer...
I don't believe people bought that pick tool enough... That is what I was getting at when I cleaned out my 004xp and ask you @ Old School, so we'll have to split into two camps here.
You can handle the technical issues, I'm gunna handle cleaning issues. I do believe ALOT of customers didn't clean their unit properly and Inhalater did not know it need to be cleaned on the inside so much they told people you could pay the to clean it since it's labor intensive I wouldn't recommend that myself, but the price would probably be about $50 dollars, unless they did us a favor.
I'm beginning to notice a similarity in your writings.....hmmmm who else was it that liked to blame and or accuse the consumers of wrong doing around every corner..?After reading a FEW posts about people that used a TOOTH PICK ( not recommended ) to pop that screen out, I was encouraged and thought I might try with a cork screw. Bad idea. Probably a few people that said the polymide inside their unit RIPPED they probably LIED and did the corkscrew thing...
Dude......So IMO what we have here is a failure to communicate and one other hurdle. A NEW THING can be dicey at first and to clean this for the first time may seem daunting.
It's something you could easily train youself to become quite good at in fact, but if you do not try, I am positive your INH vape would last perhaps a year a best.
You would talking to the guy that HALF knew this from the beginning and put his Inhalater aside and put it down a bit in order to WAIT for that pick tool. Eventually I got it in the ULTIMATE package just 8 months ago....
again stickers didn't cause the rather large number of warranty claims... consumers want something that will last and of course needs to be please don't tell me that this company has earned every bruise. I though most of the sticker complaints people were crazy. I had the same problems with that Peterson tuner, and they gave me a new one when I screwed up the glue job. One of the POOR traits is to keep calling back.
You guys all sound like people with jobs that can afford to throw away vapes because you don't want to know how to clean them. I'm the guy that calls back a company over and over and over again when they have a GREAT PRODUCT but with niggly little issues like a screen that peels off on a $300 dollar tuner. Yes it bothered me at first, but after the company takes care of me and gives me two tuners for the price of one then no it doesn't
They thru in a free t-shirt because they knew it was a shure-t thing that I would buy more of their tuners which work so well. I have 3 different types, so they correct - I kept ordering and calling back.
Yes I know they are still there...and just as stubborn as they have been from day one.... what you might refer to as a hard learner..... some folks can learn from others mistakes... but then again other just have to make all their very own mistakes before drawing from it......So please understand that this company is there, listening, they wanna work with us, and for god's sake, take your pick tool @ Old School and remove your screen out of boredom's sake, and shove q-tip or two into those air intake holes and get back to me on how much TAR and resin comes out of your unit.
My guess is, you're the guy with the next broken unit unless you start doing this religiously.
You sound like you have bud on you always, so for your type, try cleaning they intake holes every month at least, but I'd do it every Sunday as Tyrod Taylor and Sammy Watkins are hooking up for more touchdowns, because every time I go out and look to get a LONG BOMB going deep into the night, I know my Inhalater is there for all the heavy lifting and it's only a matter of customers being informed, properly maintaining them that is the difference.
Dude I really don't think anyone hated the product.... when it is working it is awesome.... but if/when it fails you then have to deal with customer service and for that you will need fairly thick skin and as you have pointed out numerous times "patience" and lots of it..... this manufacturer needs to address this sooner the better.....It's not the company's fault if you never called them back, and they did recently change to a new location, please check before attempting to send them something in the mail.
Also, if your name is Edward Hyde, try hiding, that's what I would do, we never like the schitzo types ruining a great brand, but thanks for hating instead, that's why I disappeared from the xp thread it was filled with people like him that HATE the product.
I like the fact that the xp had several different sizes and versions. That would bug some people, but to me that's cool. I like that the customers have been USED as testers, because it makes this more of a family affair, albeit a fractured disfunctional one at this point, but I love the fact they made permanent caps and then phased them out, giving the original species of Inhalater owners a bit of a PERK that others missed out on.