Edward Hyde
Well-Known Member
if i send it back they are not sending anything to me.thats what they said to my friend that sent it in for repair. its like blackmailing.
What did they say to you when you asked?
i am telling you.my friend asked and the answer he got was send the unit in and we send you a replacement right away. 10 days after his faulty unit arrived at inhalater they told him its not repairable you arent getting anything. Instead of sending it back and paying even more money so that they tell me we are not sending anything or something like pay 200 extra to get the new version (which for me is not a solution any more) i prefere to be without vaporizer and not pay extra shipping for nothing.
Now I see that you just got your hand slapped so I hope I'm not getting either of us in trouble here but I just felt I had to chime in too....if i send it back they are not sending anything to me.thats what they said to my friend that sent it in for repair. its like blackmailing.
3. Unit trips thermal safety often or too soon - Issue has been identified --> warranty
Lol been doing this for like the past 6 months. No dry hits. A lot of vapor, great experience.Here is a cool email posted with permission
You're not gonna believe it. Or maybe you've already tried. But I'm vaping cuban cigar flavored e-cig liquid in the Inhalater. And it works great. Large clouds, much less dramatic than with e-cigs, but not noisy with sudden heat flare ups and die downs like a roller coaster...just steady as she blows, due to even temperature maintainance.
I'm using tea as a base, but you could use organic tobacco, herb, perhaps organic cotton (absolutely nothing grown with pesticides, as they'd enter the lungs in concentrated form in vapour. You could also use spent material, to ensure the minimum of residual flavor.
A couple of drops of e-cig liquid into a capsule filled with substrate vapes nice clouds at any temp...up to the 4th setting. this has a real nice steady smoking the pipe feel. (Propylene glycol combusts at around 188 C, so about a third of any unoxygenized molecules break off and form bonds to become formaldehyde at higher temps, which again would be inhaled in concentrated form. But the vaping experience is clean if maintained at setting 4 or below. Chinese-manufactured cartomizers currently offer voltage regulation, but temperature control is lacking, and so some of the pg boils off, but not with the Inhalater. I believe temp. control could be the next wave and leave cartomizers in the dust)
I just drop some homemade ejuice in my weed. Really started liking it. Hits are much smoother and they dont feel dry at all. Note I always hold the inh upside down and use the aero capsules at fully opened air hole., I use 100% VG as my base for ejuice, some nicotine (former smoker), and sometimes I put flavor. You might have to slowly bump up the temp. Start at like 2-3 and U can end the bowl at 9 if U want in like 25 min. Fill up the capsule 1/2 full, put 2 drops, fill up the rest of the capsule.I have done the same using Marijuana tincture made with Vegetable Glycerin.
Many community members use the MMJ tincture in ecigs in place of e-juice, and it works and medicates most successfully.
I have used the Inhalater for this, using cotton as my wicking material.
Let me know how the taste isMy S - Carbon Fiber Edition is en-route as we speak!I have never missed a vape so much but they say you don't know what you've got till it's gone!
New glass caps as well!
Might have to do a bubbler vid!!
I clean mine out regularly, sit there after a session so it is nice and warm and it just scrapes off nice with a small knitting needle, i eat it, think it worksAny good ways to reclaim what I have here? I'm out of flowers and could use and little inhalation
lets do it! Lets indieGOGO Greg! Cant wait!!Hey guys; you're fantastic! REally warms the heart .
Business has been hard. I would not recommend to a friend to got into the vaporizer development and manufacture :-/
But yes; I know we will succeed and be the king of the crop in a near future. We just got the basic technology sorted out and we got some amazing developments in store.
I dare to ask: is it a good idea to make a new Indiegogo campaign? A good campaign would be a key to get on top!
@play2GETpaidTUESDAYStoned . The Q2 could be indentified by the thin strips of the heating chamber. With a picture maybe we can see!