Well-Known Member
Yeah it is just a sticker over the plastic.
We can make it available if there is demand...
Is it permissible to hope for the future Inhalater to eventually evolve...
...the latest breed of materials are way more performant and without compromise to taste or health.
Hi again Inhalater,
So, it sounds like this version is close to being the final one i guess.
Well, the next step will be to bring it to the masses.
Good day, have fun!
I'm sure there will be many more versions of the inhalator.
This one is just the best, most revolutionary unit so far.
Its people like you and I, and eveyone on FC that allow peoples thoughts and ideas come to fruition. greg designed the INH05 primarily from listening to what we the consumers on FC want in a portable vape.
If this is the last version, that means it does'nt get any better than that!
As technology evolves, so do the manufacturers! So There will be more.
Gregs been improving the inhalator for 6 years. I think this one is his proudest accomplishment so far.
I am really looking forward to my INH05!
Cant wait Greg! Keep up the great work!
The INH05 is our first mass market product.
Its people like you and I, and everyone on FC that allow peoples thoughts and ideas come to fruition.
If this is the last version, that means it does'nt get any better than that!
Salutations Vape Dr.,
Then it's going to show up in smoke shops this year, sooner or later. I can only try to imagine the butterflies...
No doubt that last part requires good funding so i thought perhaps the Inh05 was similar to its predecessors. Version 4 was an improvement over version 3, or XP over version 4, etc. Buyers kept it alive, to bring some more. And now there's the Inh05.
That's sort of what i was checking, i guess i want to know what to decide when there's one in front of me, hopefully this summer.
Vape Dr. just a quick question.
I have noticed your extensive and rather impressive list of vaporizers. my question is what drew you to spend the money on another one when you appear to have a vape for every occasion? Secondly where in your expectations do you think the Inhalater05 will fall, are you expecting a new "king" portable?
thanks for your help, I don't own a vape yet but have reserced the shit out all of them am just about ready to buy one so i'm just waying my options. anyone else fell free to comment as well.
MSRP for the units at release is 250$. Yes, aluminum style is a decal. We can make it available if there is demand :-)
Looks like the indiegogo campaign has been lengthened until JUNE 1ST. 34 days left!!
Awesome. I personally would love the aluminum decal most of all. I have plenty of black/stealth vapes and something steel-looking would be a nice change of pace.![]()