Salutations Frederick,
Construction would be quite simple as you figured out, except for a slight detail at item #3 actually: the induction cooker shown in my YouTube video was available for a hundred dollars at Sears, hence there was no need to custom-build (or "shape") it... Since there already are induction cookers on the market the only element to require shaping would be the heat exchanger istelf.
So, to summarize, implementation might possibly take place in this manner:
1) Have an induction cooker handy
2) Select a metal sheet with its Curie point set between 160 C and 204 C
3) Cut a plain disc the size of a CD-ROM into that sheet (~4")
4) Turn the metal disc into a heat exchanger by stacking a ceramic maze on top of it:
This layer structure should fit inside a full-size CD-ROM case easily, providing its "stealth" feature.
It would make sense to use a ceramic maze with multiple trenches in order to maximize airflow, metal pins emerging from the metal disc could help to thermalize the air entering the sides. A 3rd layer covering the ceramic maze would seal the air circuits and collect hot air at the center point where an opening would match a suitably designed vaporizing bowl. Put briefly, a vaporist would place his CD-ROM case-like heat exchanger on the induction cooker with its complementary vaporizing bowl sitting over the central hole. A flexible silicone tube would collect the cannabis vapor on the other side of that bowl or perhaps it should be feasible/desirable to add a water toy on top of the rest...
Now, the beauty of this concept would reside in the absence of a Closed-Loop Control System: automatic heat regulation would result from the metal becoming magnetically transparent once it reaches its Curie point, which in turn would cause it to stop absorbing electromagnetic energy... Once the disc would start cooling below its Curie point it would start heating up again and so on, effectively working like a servomechanism. The difference from conventional vaporizers consists in the fact that the alloy would always behave the same way, this implies that the heat exchanger would be rendered 100 % reliable as there would be no parts exposed to potential failure - unless one destroys the induction cooker and/or the ceramic maze (the later could as well be made of silicone instead, by the way)!
Considering that you appeared to be unfamiliar with basic automation concepts here's an illustration representing a steam regulator:
The principles behind it are easy to grasp. They had no electricity 300 hundred years ago, a boiler was used instead that generated pressurized steam to actuate a steam engine which in turn made the spheres spin. The faster their speed the higher they went. Then at the chosen height the spheres pulled on a valve which interrupted the flow of steam, reducing speed as a consequence. With the valve re-opening again the flow of steam would be re-established, etc. Closing the cycle, hence the "closed-loop" term.
Anyway, that's roughly how a regulating system operates. Without an alloy with a suitable Curie point there's no such automated regulation, meaning a special magnetic inducer would need to be conceived - which would raise the level of complexity and co$t because of the electronics required... Translating into lesser durability/reliability, etc., etc., etc.
Do these brief explanations help you to gather why the Curie point is a crutial element in my thread exactly?