Got my Imp today. Tested all three stems, the wooden one through glass, since I came home from work. Can only say

Hadn't expected so much from such a small device for this price. But the Imp performs really great. I put in a weed hash mixture and started at 16 watts. Had to go up to 18 to get nice clouds. When I had to stir, I put in a second screen afterwards, to hold material, and got up to 23 watts. Even, nice roasting and extraction.
The stem with the cooling beads is such a fucking sweet thing, everyone will love this optic for sure. But I thought, the normal glass stem performs a little better, bit more taste and more even roasting. Cooling of the normal stem was enough. But as I said, I only tried each stem once up to now, no scientific testing, will investigate deeper
One question. The handbooks says to use the Imp between 14 to 23 watts. I'm using a Paranormal 250c with a Splinter Z in power mode, having "Boost" on cause it gives a little more control in an easy way. It boosts your watts for a little more than 30% for less than a second. So from a set wattage of 20, the boost will get the device over the 23 watts. Could this cause the coils or even the Imp to get damaged?