Pen Imag Plus


Product Tester / Reviewer
Hi all, they are still working on it.

A big Production should start soon, they have finished 20 samples, for the big customers.
I'm also waiting for one of them (Imag 3, and Imag Pen (3Temp) )
As soon as I receive one, will attach pics, here.
Best Regards
Do you know when they will ship the sample units? I was told Mid October but it looks we will get it in December?


New Member
And that's 'half a C note, shipped'. A lot of vape for not many dollars, for those on the fence, time to jump on it or climb down......


nabbed one.
this'll be my first vape. and hopefully it'll last me until grasshopper labs someday pulls through! hard not to jump at something that seems to have quite positive reviews... and just 55!


Volute of Vapor
nabbed one.
this'll be my first vape. and hopefully it'll last me until grasshopper labs someday pulls through! hard not to jump at something that seems to have quite positive reviews... and just 55!
It will survive to several GH replacement units!
A very strong vape, i was never gentle with it and it works like a charm.


Well-Known Member
It will survive to several GH replacement units!
A very strong vape, i was never gentle with it and it works like a charm.

Interesting perspective. A strong testimonial for Imag+ and very sad observation for GH. Many a good company has gone under replacing defective units at no cost/charge. A single such case wipes out the profit from many good units. It can be a 'chain reaction' of sorts that destroys remaining capitol (once folks stop giving their money on hope/faith). Hopefully GH will get it under control before they're forced out of the market. Still sitting on my wallet there, but ever hopeful they can make good on a useful fraction of their claims.

For now Imag+ is a real handful for half a hundred bucks (AKA 5 'Sawbucks' for those keeping track).



Volute of Vapor
More a joke than something else....although I cancelled my GH pre-order...I don't like to get warranty issues since I live in EU and lot of manufacturers are in US....the only vape in my collection which needed to go back for warranty was the Flashvape...I sent it 2 times before to sell it.

I'm convinced it is a lot better than the Imag+ (without any comparison!) and i wish to be able to get one when issues will be fixed!


New Member
Is there any way to buy the imag plus 2.0 mouthpieces in bulk? The one major flaw of the vape is that after a while, the mouthpiece begins to screw on unevenly, and it becomes separated from the screen. I have had this happen to two so far, and it will undoubtedly happen to more in the future. $10 per mouthpiece is too much to pay for a nearly unavoidable issue.


Is there any way to buy the imag plus 2.0 mouthpieces in bulk? The one major flaw of the vape is that after a while, the mouthpiece begins to screw on unevenly, and it becomes separated from the screen. I have had this happen to two so far, and it will undoubtedly happen to more in the future. $10 per mouthpiece is too much to pay for a nearly unavoidable issue.

Literally my only complaint. Also patiently awaiting the next version of the Imag


Volute of Vapor
Just want to tell you I let my Imag+ go for another good of my friend, heavy smoker, was coming out of the hospital cause a hearth surgery, doctor told him it is time to stop to all!

I offer him my heavy used imag+ and another cheap vape as a backup, after a long break in the hospital he enjoyed the Imag a lot!

Now I'm waiting for the Imag3....any news?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Just wanted to let you know that Imag has a picture of the Imag 3 on their Twitter page. It says it's using bullets now and has a larger screen. If this has already been posted before, I apologize.


Well-Known Member
hey boys and gals.
i just received my Imag+ for our friend Randy. it looks awesome! haven't used it yet as i have it charging now. I have read this entire thread but i have a question related to burn offs. ive seen it mentioned a lot in this thread and i understand the basic concept. but some people do a couple, while others do 6-7. just a general question about how long you do them for? is one burn off classified until the battery dies, or one "hit" worth of time(10-20 seconds(obviously very user dependent judge of time))?
i got the amazing stuff with it: e cig(i have no use for it, so ill sell it to a friend of mine), grinder and this weird looking thing that may belong to the ecig. it has a mouth piece(rounded, not like the one on the imag), a sphere glass ball as the middle, with a white thing that has an spring in it, and a metal piece that connects to something else. anyone have any idea what it is? i could upload a pic, just dont have one right now.
what are your thoughts on the grinder? seems pretty good to me! pretty excited to have a 4-piece grinder again, as i use the orange volcano one. my local head shop, higher society glass, sells them and at $10, they work extremely well.

pic of imag 3
wow that looks amazing!
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Well-Known Member
I have read this entire thread but i have a question related to burn offs. ive seen it mentioned a lot in this thread and i understand the basic concept. but some people do a couple, while others do 6-7. just a general question about how long you do them for? is one burn off classified until the battery dies, or one "hit" worth of time(10-20 seconds(obviously very user dependent judge of time))?

Most guys do burn offs at top temperature for a cycle (until it times out.....5 minutes?) at a time. The idea is to get rid of unknown/dangerous/toxic vapors.......hitting it runs entirely counter to that. Why would you do that? If you were going to not worry about breathing in the fumes anyway, why not load up with the good stuff and go?

I think most folks do it the way I do (or should that be 'I do it the way most folks do?), watch for vapor coming off the hot open bowl (strong flashlight from the side against a dark background makes this easiest to see) then going a few cycles past were I can't see it any more. IIRC I had a few wisps for several cycles with my Imag+, so I ended up discharging the battery on the first runs and not actually using herb until half way or so through the second charge.

IMO it's done when you say it is. Not only is it subjective on the owners end, but you can get more or less from identical model vapes. Probably due to someone leaving a oily fingerprint in the wrong place or something else random. Sometimes the fumes are catalysts from rubber parts that aren't properly cured (heated, often under vacuum), but if they are 'food grade' the catalysts aren't hazardous anyway (as lower grades can be).

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Well-Known Member
hitting it runs entirely counter to that. Why would you do that? If you were going to not worry about breathing in the fumes anyway, why not load up with the good stuff and go?
i think you misunderstood or i wasn't clear. i quoted "hit" to just get a measure of time of how long to run it for, not actually hit the vaporizer. agreed it wouldn't make sense to actually hit it lol.
thanks for the rest of the information though! very helpful. i remember reading reading each user did it for a different length of time, as well as why, just wasnt sure how long each one ones.
you, OF, mention the imag+ in the flowermate thread(i think it was that, read that one too lol), and are one of the reasons a got it, so thanks for that too lol.
watch for vapor coming off the hot open bowl
running the burn offs now, the way you suggested, and i definitely can see what your talking about.
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Well-Known Member
you, OF, mention the imag+ in the flowermate thread(i think it was that, read that one too lol), and are one of the reasons a got it, so thanks for that too lol.

I tend to mention/compare/recommend vapes I think guys might benefit from considering based on what they say. I also like recommending Vapman, a personal favorite that I think is too often overlooked.

Glad you're back on track. Enjoy your Imag+, just don't drop it on your foot.....



Well-Known Member
hi guys, my first post here, glad to have found this gem of a forum.
i just got my Imag Plus delivered.. (after researching here).
have to say that PIU are indeed a great shop, excellent delivery and that bonus grinder and 55$ for all that?? great!

so - i'm a total noob to any use of vaping or grinding.

wanted to know a few things if possible:

- that metal grinder provided with the Imag, what is the use for the lower part of it?
under that screen/filter?

- the manual specifically says that you better charge the battery for 6 hours before a first use. it took 20 minutes for the light to turn green. so i suppose to charge it now for 6 hours REGARDLESS of the green light?

- and regarding the Imag, can someone please just quickly let me know how to do that "burn off" process to get rid of any plastic chemicals and all that? the manual doesn't tell anything about it, so-
do i heat it up on the RED temp? for how long? how many times?
what smell i suppose to smell when i do that?

- about inhaling: it seems that inhaling through the Imag (just trying it while off) is pretty "slow". i presume this is normal and the fumes will flow decently even if it feels a bit hard or slow to inhale?

many many thanks!
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Unknown Member
hi guys, my first post here, glad to have found this gem of a forum.
i just got my Imag Plus delivered.. (after researching here).
have to say that PIU are indeed a great shop, excellent delivery and that bonus grinder and 55$ for all that?? great!

so - i'm a total noob to any use of vaping or grinding.

wanted to know a few things if possible:

- that metal grinder provided with the Imag, what is the use for the lower part of it?
under that screen/filter?

- the manual specifically says that you better charge the battery for 6 hours before a first use. it took 20 minutes for the light to turn green. so i suppose to charge it now for 6 hours REGARDLESS of the green light?

- and regarding the Imag, can someone please just quickly let me know how to do that "burn off" process to get rid of any plastic chemicals and all that? the manual doesn't tell anything about it, so-
do i heat it up on the RED temp? for how long? how many times?
what smell i suppose to smell when i do that?

- about inhaling: it seems that inhaling through the Imag (just trying it while off) is pretty "slow". i presume this is normal and the fumes will flow decently even if it feels a bit hard or slow to inhale?

many many thanks!
Look up a few posts regarding burn offs. The screen in the grinder separates kief from flower.
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Well-Known Member
hi guys, my first post here, glad to have found this gem of a forum.

- that metal grinder provided with the Imag, what is the use for the lower part of it?
under that screen/filter?

- the manual specifically says that you better charge the battery for 6 hours before a first use. it took 20 minutes for the light to turn green. so i suppose to charge it now for 6 hours REGARDLESS of the green light?

- and regarding the Imag, can someone please just quickly let me know how to do that "burn off" process to get rid of any plastic chemicals and all that? the manual doesn't tell anything about it, so-
do i heat it up on the RED temp? for how long? how many times?
what smell i suppose to smell when i do that?

- about inhaling: it seems that inhaling through the Imag (just trying it while off) is pretty "slow". i presume this is normal and the fumes will flow decently even if it feels a bit hard or slow to inhale?

First off, howdy! Welcome to the Forum and all the fun. Lots of 'top shelf' folks around here to help and share. Hopefully soon you'll be stuck on that list too.

Imag+ is a great vaqe. Not so much it's 'better' that the rest as much as it's an honest, solid performer at a reasonable price. Buying from PIU is clearly a very smart move, not only for the reasons you've discovered, but should the unfortunate happen there's nobody those of us who know him would rather 'have in our corner'. I love to tell the story of my first Solo, from PIU, that was a rare DOA. I emailed Randy asking 'where should I send it?'. He had the replacement in my hands in less than 24 hours! Seriously, it was in the mail the next day! Our USPS......amazing. I'm sure it's not common (even if amazing service is common at PIU), I don't expect that ever again, but he sure got a loyal customer the way he dropped making money on new sales/shipments and pushed me to the top of the list and out the door in time to beat the postman.

To your questions:

As said above the screen is intended to separate out the resin filled trichomes coating the herb as it's ground. This lessens the potency of course, but many (especially those without access to Dispensaries with special treats) like to save it for 'special occasions', or just a rainy day. It can make a guy feel secure knowing there's a vial of it stashed away. With your Imag+ you should put a bit of herb under it, it can melt sometimes and you don't want it dripping down into the works. Many of us defeat this by keeping the unit upside down grinding (getting finer grind as well as keeping the keif in the mix), some simply mix it back in after. No right or wrong, something to experiment with.

Yes, 'overcharge' (leave it plugged in after the green) the first time only. This can help 'form' the battery more fully, increasing the capacity for it's lifetime. Again, do this the first time only. Actually 100% charges lessen battery lifespan. After the first discharge the chance to form better is past. Hopefully you haven't discharged it yet, if so, don't worry, vape on.......

There are several ways to do burn offs but I'm a simple guy at heart. I recommend running it empty, with no MP on 'top wack' (Red) standing upright. You'll probably see wisps of vapor rising in good light (try a strong flashlight from the side against a dark background). It's variable, of course, both in how much 'junk' might be there to burn off and what each guy might consider 'done'. FWIW, you read lots of 'I'm not breathing that toxic shit' kind of statements, but I don't recall ever seening any proof that there's a real health issue here.....still you should do it until you're satisified. No sense worrying about it later, vapes are to use and enjoy, not fret over.

Yes, hit it slow and easy. Vapor can only be made at a slow, fixed rate with the available power unlike blazing (where the added air feeds the fire making more heat). It's designed that way on purpose. They could have done it different, this is common across vape designs. I suggest you work with it for now.

Anyway, congratulations on your first step to a better way. Looking forward to your future posts.

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