Over at GC, this manufacturer spammed everyone's PM box who was active in the vaporizer forum with the following two PM's, of which the manufacturer got banned for:
i have seen your comment about vaporizer
may many product let you down
pls have a look at FuckCombustion Forum User Review for our product IMAG Plus herbal vaporizer
we are dry herb vaporizer manufacturer in Shenzhen China
we have never paid for ads to exaggerate our products
You can scan FuckCombustion Forum to see how User Review for our product IMAG Plus herbal vaporizer
Any question mail me at
Posting this in an open forum is one thing. Spamming everyones PM'S with this crap is quite another and he rightfully got banned, for if the same thing happened here, I have no doubt that it would end up with the same result.
Now typically I would NEVER repost a PM from anyone, but I felt that this needed to be exposed as I have no doubt that the admins here or this community would NEVER condone these kinds of marketing practices. Hell, if I was an admin here, I'd even consider deleting this whole thread so that we would be totally divorced from this kind of activity but hey, I'm just a cantankerous old fart who hasn't had his morning coffee yet.....
