Ok, so here we go, as of 2015. February the 19th.
I give you the
technical review of the
Imag Plus V2 CF model.
I will also explain a very easy tweak to maximize the vapor production, this is also going to be a very simple solution for all of you in this thread, who had issues with vapor production - I explain what was going wrong, and how you fix it in two (!) steps
Main features are:
Copper and carbon fiber enclosure, tubular ceramic heating element, lock-on mouthpiece, high capacity Li-ion battery, isolated airpath.
First impressions:
As I've acknowledged earlier, I found the decoration of packaging sort of indiscreet with the cannabis leaves printed on it for marketing an obvious purpose for this device (and its buyers
). The following image is a good example of Relaxotech's willingness to satisfy any user request. I have been offered plain packaging, resembling a regular, bulk-buy electronic cigar:
The setup remains the same (no more cut out hole for the useless oil-bullet, but tweezers still included), spare mouthpiece, USB/mUSB cable (port is strengthened), tools. What I noticed is a bit confusing, and probably an individual issue, but in two packs I received 4 mouthpieces, and only one included the small ceramic filling inside

I don't use it anyway
Isn't it beautiful?
The enclosure made entirely of copper, I found this one of the most impressive of all updates, the carbon fibre layer around it is not only gorgeous, but does a notable job of heat insulation, which is also a good news for battery life (b.-s doesn't like heat

) Tubular ceramic heater provides evenly distributed heat around the entire chamber, not just at the bottom. A filter screen has also been installed, as I found it unremovable, I advise you to hold device upside down and use the brush to clean often to avoid blocking air:
If it is intentional or not, IDK, but electronic updates brought a surprise for me, as lowest temp now indicated with green light, medium temp is blue, and hottest is red. IDGAF, as long as it works
Airpath and materials:
In my previous review of older Imags I did mention negligent painting reaching inner wall of enclosure, here you have a polished copper tube enclosure, means no painting at all! Absolutely pure surface for an airpath! A high grade, uncolored polycarbonate tube -as seen below- is encapsulating the heater, the heat insulation and two high temp silicone profile to provide an absolutely safe and restricted airpath. In this update, they also used some cured, uncolored silicone rubber to block off electronics entirely, so the air from outside only gets in contact with copper, HG polycarbonate, and HG silicone. These materials are all safe to health, they withstand with heat up to 250 C°, commonly used in medical applications and food processing. Regardless to all that, I always advise the purifying (burn off) sessions, but I truly not smell, nor taste any robot 
Possible poor vapor production issue:
Ok, so first I explain what
could go wrong when the device is working. Poor vapor production is a result of extra air unintentionally leaking into the draw. This extra air enters a very unfortunate place, between the mouthpiece and top of device - the black ring installed as a closure for heating chamber, also it is a profile to receive the locking nuts on the MP. The air entering here will obviously not pass through the heated substance, carrying no vapor at all, resulting a hardly visible, weak draw.
A simple method to determine where the air is infiltrating, is to cover the two intake holes on the enclosure when trying to draw air. As the airpath is completely sealed off from electronics, and you are blocking the air intake holes, the only way to get "false draw" is at the point where MP attached. If you put some "Blu Tack" around this tiny gap, you should not be able to suck through any air, this confirms the fault!
Simple solution:
We are aiming for an obvious solution to provide maximum insulation of the path of vapor between the MP, and the heating chamber. To achieve such results, follow these two easy steps:
-Screw off the cleanable metal part from the MP.
-Screw it back only about one/one and a half turn. It will be loose, but don't worry about that.
Try to lock on the mouthpiece. If you cannot, it is because the screen obtruding too much, so keep turning about a half turn every time, until MP locks tightly again! Try again to block the intake holes on the side, you should feel now, that no more extra air gets to vaporpath! Now all you draw gets through the heated substance

Now having a gap between screen and rest of MP installation, you may also put on a high temp silicone ring to maximize sealing, though it is not necessary.
For the current price Relaxotech offers a vaporizer with a very good build quality, sophisticated design reflecting user feedbacks, a safe and discreet way to make the most out of your habit. In comparison with other common Chinese vapes on the market, I truly believe that Imag is outstanding for many reasons, but their customer service is something to highlight, as most of these improvements are results of their efforts. They really do try to live up most expectations a user may have, for a very affordable price. Minor issues may arise, but nothing really, what cannot be solved with ease - or through their honorable 1 year warranty policy. Within this price range, I do not currently see anyone offering copper enclosure, carbon fibre insulation, ceramic heating, high grade silicones etc. Believe or not, they are the ONLY manufacturer out of 8 companies I contacted inquiring information about the materials used in airpath of their products, who did provide me SDS (safety data sheets), official laboratory reports without a question, or an excuse, as everyone else did, referring to company secrecy etc. Thumbs up!