Chronic vapaholic
@Gibarian : thank you for the device gutting.
Honnestly I'm already growing tired of playing the guinea pig for Chinese companies... You see amongst all the portables I own, we've collaboratively gutted the FM5, the Ascent, and recently the FM8 and the Herbstick Deluxe, and overall I'm not so pleased with what I saw...
What I really dislike is that in the end, it forces us all to become "materials safety experts". Before joining this forum, I never had to wonder if say brass contained lead, or if polyimide was really safe to chronically inhale etc. So we are all guessing... is it safe is it not? Most will answer "it looks safer than combustion", yeah maybe, but inhaling lead is also very dangerous...
Tried searching for polyimide safety, mostly found research done by the material makers themselves, like Dupont for the Kaptan you cite (where in reality we have no clue if they use the trademarked material or not just any other cheap polyimide tape) In the FM5 and FM8 I just know that the polyimide tape stinks, and it stinks more when you heat it... Is it safe? I dunno. But if it stinks it means there are volatile compounds escaping and reaching my nose and thus my lungs...
You know, your last sentence reminded me the end of that excellent movie called "Thank you for smoking". Don't know if you saw it? But the guy after quitting big tobacco ends up working for a cellphone consortium, and asserts with a similar sentence that "they pose no significant risk to the health" bla bla.
I think we are just guessing at best, and that worries me.
Take the "hot air coming from the electronics section" issue that we encounter in all the aforementionned portable vaporizers. I've read and been told multiple times that it's not a problem because I'm breathing air coming from my laptop fan right now... To which I answer that I'm not deeply inhaling that air on a chronic daily basis and "on purpose". Because well, even if it was safe, it stinks! Electronic circuits stinks, period. I can smell it and I don't want to inhale that.
Also are we sure they are using lead-free solder like they should? Because it's way harder to solder without lead, so it's tempting to use it...
But you see, the real question is "why does the average Joe has to get a master in materials safety to use these vapes?". Why are we asking these kinds of questions in the first place? Why in all these vapes don't they fucking isolate the air and vapor paths fully? It's beyond me! There's always an issue of some kind, excepted in my Firewood, and afaik in the Arizer vapes (there could be others that I'm not aware of so the list is non exhaustive)
It's the same for silicone. In the Ascent and some others, people complain that it reeks when new... but the maker tells us it's food-grade so it's safe... Someone posted a list of chemicals that are found to out-gas during silicone curing and it is just plain awful... So how do we know? It's safe when the new smell is gone? Where is it gone? You see, again questions we shouldn't have to ask ourselves..
PS: to conclude with a practical question, where is the air inlet in the Imag+2? The hole at the bottom of the bowl?
Honnestly I'm already growing tired of playing the guinea pig for Chinese companies... You see amongst all the portables I own, we've collaboratively gutted the FM5, the Ascent, and recently the FM8 and the Herbstick Deluxe, and overall I'm not so pleased with what I saw...
What I really dislike is that in the end, it forces us all to become "materials safety experts". Before joining this forum, I never had to wonder if say brass contained lead, or if polyimide was really safe to chronically inhale etc. So we are all guessing... is it safe is it not? Most will answer "it looks safer than combustion", yeah maybe, but inhaling lead is also very dangerous...
Tried searching for polyimide safety, mostly found research done by the material makers themselves, like Dupont for the Kaptan you cite (where in reality we have no clue if they use the trademarked material or not just any other cheap polyimide tape) In the FM5 and FM8 I just know that the polyimide tape stinks, and it stinks more when you heat it... Is it safe? I dunno. But if it stinks it means there are volatile compounds escaping and reaching my nose and thus my lungs...
You know, your last sentence reminded me the end of that excellent movie called "Thank you for smoking". Don't know if you saw it? But the guy after quitting big tobacco ends up working for a cellphone consortium, and asserts with a similar sentence that "they pose no significant risk to the health" bla bla.
I think we are just guessing at best, and that worries me.
Take the "hot air coming from the electronics section" issue that we encounter in all the aforementionned portable vaporizers. I've read and been told multiple times that it's not a problem because I'm breathing air coming from my laptop fan right now... To which I answer that I'm not deeply inhaling that air on a chronic daily basis and "on purpose". Because well, even if it was safe, it stinks! Electronic circuits stinks, period. I can smell it and I don't want to inhale that.
Also are we sure they are using lead-free solder like they should? Because it's way harder to solder without lead, so it's tempting to use it...
But you see, the real question is "why does the average Joe has to get a master in materials safety to use these vapes?". Why are we asking these kinds of questions in the first place? Why in all these vapes don't they fucking isolate the air and vapor paths fully? It's beyond me! There's always an issue of some kind, excepted in my Firewood, and afaik in the Arizer vapes (there could be others that I'm not aware of so the list is non exhaustive)
It's the same for silicone. In the Ascent and some others, people complain that it reeks when new... but the maker tells us it's food-grade so it's safe... Someone posted a list of chemicals that are found to out-gas during silicone curing and it is just plain awful... So how do we know? It's safe when the new smell is gone? Where is it gone? You see, again questions we shouldn't have to ask ourselves..
PS: to conclude with a practical question, where is the air inlet in the Imag+2? The hole at the bottom of the bowl?