Lost in Thought
Hear you on the alcohol, magical stuff; if fungi are alien invaders, it is, quite literally - alien pee, and I love it! I enjoyed reading up on yeast and how it works.
Any spirit based over indulgence isn't going to end well, so getting a handle on that is probably a good idea.
I find that beer is way more fun, I highly recommend getting into brewing your own, the complexity of flavours will delight you, the process is as geeky as anything ever gets, and flavour profiles are infinite - it's an ace hobby! Yes, it encourages regular drinking, but there are only so many pints you can drink of an evening, I find four is about my limit, but that's all dependent, you can brew something that's a low ABV super moreish gulper, or a high ABV sipper with endlessly evolving flavours, or anything in-between.
This evening, the temperature, wind and sun were just lovely - we get about 5 or 6 days a year like this, so I have enjoyed a pale ale, an IPA, a stout and a blonde... all home brew, all very different, all excellent! Yes I am slightly tipsy, but I am satisfied and it's good for me.
Oh don't I know it

When I first started here I was brewing beer like a madman. Started with extract then went All Grain (AGBeer)
I then went dry and sold all of my shit because... Well, sometimes the reset button needs to be hit and that was one of those times.
Nowdays as much as I *love* beer (and craft beer) it doesn't play nice with the ketogenic lifestyle. (Which makes me have a sad)