I'm a bad Vaporist, how about you?


I dunno. I feel a little bad because I have relapsed a little lately.

I love my vaporizers, dab rigs, etc. And I've barely ever combusted the last several years or more. However, in the last couple of years I have been doing more outdoor, nature activities (hiking, camping, fishing, kayaking), and for some reason in the last year or so, I just feel more like smoking sometimes when I'm way out in nature. I often take a joint, blunt, or pipe for my hike up/down the mountain, wade through the river fishing, or while paddling my kayak.

I dunno, though I prefer vaporizing 95% of the time, smoking just feels right sometimes when out in nature.

It's stupid, I know. Do I need to repent? :shrug:
Of course there is no such thing as a bad vaporist. Saying that I felt like one for the past 2.5 years, so I understand you well. But if you are a bad vaporist, I’ve been the fucking worst one of all times.

I started vaping but wasn’t able to quit smoking, so I did vapes, joints and cigarettes all in the mix. Nearly 2 months ago I stopped combustion at all, although I‘m still using nicotine by vaping tobacco sticks. Next big goal is to quit nicotine as no one needs this shit. One step in this direction is to further detach THC from nicotine. As of right now, after vaping weed I feel the urge to vape tobacco. 20+ years of joint smoking has left its marks.

The time I‘m done with nicotine I‘ll feel like a real good vaporist. But I‘m not feeling like a bad one anymore since I stopped combustion. Thing is that I can’t smoke one joint, it’s always binge smoking. And I can’t do it occasionally, because the occasions will spawn everywhere, making the exception the rule in no time.

The way you described your smoking sounds absolutely reasonable to me. This should not make you feel like a bad vaporist at all. Just make sure you’re not in nature every single day in order to allow yourself to smoke 😄
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Big and Bouncy
Yeah. I pretty much stopped smoking all together sometime early in 2017, and have only used my vapes since then. And about once every couple years I would be passed a joint or blunt or a pipe when with friends, and I hated the taste of smoke after not inhaling it for so long. I usually threw it away as well when by myself, and remembered the experience as a reminder of why I vape.

But in the last several months to a year, I find myself enjoying smoking when I'm out away from society/people out in nature by myself. Something feeling primal about the experience that I am starting to enjoy occasionally. It's a waste, because it takes 5x the flower to get high...but for some reason it sometimes seems to scratch an itch I can't explain.
It's interesting that smoking outside still scratches some itch. Maybe it's because some of your best memories of getting high from your childhood were outside? Do you still enjoy the taste?

If you want to break the cycle maybe a portable butane vape like a sticky brick would scratch the same itch outdoors?

I'm one of those longtime joint/bong smokers that just never looked back when I started vaping. Vaping tasted so good that I couldn't go back. Couple that with using less flower and the health benefits and it was a no-brainer. Maybe I wasn't a heavy enough smoker at the time, but I never found the vaping high lacking. Even with my OG Solo, I was satisfied enough - also I knew the tech would just get better.

These days I'll take a puff on a joint occasionally if I don't have a vape with me but it's rare and I usually end up regretting it. What's worse though is that I've more often been a cigarette "social smoker". 🤦‍♂️ I know, it's terrible but if I'm at a party or a bar and someone lights up beside me, I'll just want that one or two puffs to give me that oxygen starvation head-rush high.

I've never bought my own cigs or even wanted to, but I'm just a whore for that instant head-rush that comes from a drag of a cig when you're a non-smoker. I feel so dirty. 😝


Tokin' Away Since 1968
I think I'm nine or ten years since I took up vaping. For the first several years, I would never smoke a j, not once. Now occasionally to be social I'll have a couple of hits off a j. I have a close friend up near my cabin in remote northern Canada who I'll take a couple of tokes with each summer, even as usually I take a pass, even with him. And a week ago I was riding a bike trail near my home and stopped to ask two guys I'd seen on the trail earlier something, and they were just about to smoke a j and so I asked if I could join them. Purely a social thing. For the vast majority of my life I almost always got stoned, smoking and now vaping, before and often also during afternoon outdoor exercise, especially biking or hiking. This is the first year in 50 plus years of imbibing that I've stopped, mostly because even gentle vaping has begun to irritate my lungs, so I've cut back to evenings only. So it was great fun to smoke the j with the two guys, yuck it up, and then continue my now even more enjoyable workout ride on the stunningly beautiful fall day in the White Mountains.
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Maybe I wasn't a heavy enough smoker at the time, but I never found the vaping high lacking.

As a heavy smoker in the past and heavy vaper now I can safely say that no joint has ever hit as hard as my best vapes. It took the right combo of vapes in order to fully convert but once I did there is no way I can waste my weed through combustion anymore.


Well-Known Member
As a heavy smoker in the past and heavy vaper now I can safely say that no joint has ever hit as hard as my best vapes. It took the right combo of vapes in order to fully convert but once I did there is no way I can waste my weed through combustion anymore.
So what vaporizers finally made your “combo”?


There have been a fair few over the years, but I think a big thing was discovering manual vapes. Being able to RTL more with a Dynavap helped cut combustion.

These days my main vapes are my Enano XL, Lotus, Tasty Tube, Dreamwood Glow, Vapman, Supreme V3, sometimes a TA and occasionally a VG.


Well-Known Member
I’ve been combusting since 2012, then vaping since 2021.

I was quite lucky to hit the right device first time with the dynavap 2021M - the ritual, the flame, the tastes and effects of the conduction vapour, and the joint like form factor made it a pretty seamless transition. As long as I have at least one heavy conduction vape I have no issue staying with vaping. It gives me everything combustion did and more, whilst having less of the bad aspects.

I’ve since tried convection devices of a few forms and I think if I’d have started with those I’d have probably been more “half in half out” as they’re just a little too different in flavour and effects compared to combustion. A complement rather than a replacement is how I see them. I do see combusters quit with like a tinymight though so there’s obviously some subjectivity at play

That being said I do occasionally combust. Mainly when I’m in situations where I don’t have my vape for whatever reason. It hits me like a nuclear warhead (I’m sure my vape and combusting tolerance are separate) but I think what really strikes me is just how awful it tastes, and the smoke itself has this sort of gritty particulate feel I can’t really describe.
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Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
I smoked for more than a decade before I discovered vaporizing, and began to strongly dislike the taste of smoke for years after.
I dunno, I guess after only vaping for the last seven years, smoking now has some sort of novelty appeal in certain situations for my weird brain.
I just found it odd that this started happening to me after so many years of abandoning smoking because I'd come to prefer vaporizing to smoking in every measurable way.

I have no idea. Is what is.
Let It Go Idk GIF


Well-Known Member
I've definitely been tempted to the dark side lately. I just enjoy switching things up a bit.

Edibles have been my thing for months now, which I never expected to happen. Enjoy it all :leaf:


The Universe is our endless supply
I definitely feel this. I had been basically smoke free since 2018 but as of the last 6 months I dove very deep into dabs. Very deep 18 x 2g pucks of very high-end rosin in August. I realized I destroyed my tolerance and even vaping bowl after bowl it just wouldn't get me there. As the last month I been vaping throughout the day but at night I feel the need to take a giant combustion bong rip or take a quickwalk and smoke a j. It has it place and its def not as bad as combusting already vaped stuff. Hoping w a month of 2 of no dabs I can go back to combustion free. Not because I hate it but more because I see the brown flecs I cough up in the morning brushing my teeth.


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
@Ramahs @rowbam @PrematureEvaporation Does your occasional smoking includes tobacco?

Not for me, except the occasional blunt. And even with blunts, I'll often use a non-tobacco wrap. More often than not I'll just use a pipe.

And furthermore, I'll never understand the european thing with mixing tobacco in with their weed in a "splif" (joint or blunt). It makes it SO MUCH harsher on the throat/lungs, and I'll never understand why anyone would want to do it on purpose.

Spy Car

Well-Known Member
I combusted for 50 years. I'm not about to throw stones at anyone.

Moving to full-time vaping has been very easy for me.

I'm loving the flavor of low-temp vapes and I'm not missing smoke a bit.

I'm aware of the positive health benefits and yet, even without those virtues, vaping wins for me on taste.

So I don't feel like I'm making a sacrifice.



Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
I'm loving the flavor of low-temp vapes and I'm not missing smoke a bit.

I'm aware of the positive health benefits and yet, even without those virtues, vaping wins for me on taste.

Which is exactly the way I felt for many years after switching to 100% vaping. About once a year I would try smoking again, and be reminded of why I was glad to leave smoking behind for vaping.

Which is also why I created this thread over my utter confusion as to why I was starting to all of a sudden like to occasionally smoke again recently....especially after for so many years I only wanted to vape because I felt that smoking was both wasteful and tasted like trash. And now look at me, feeling going against my own tastes. That is why I was so confused by my weird actions, and why I started this thread to discuss it.

I still don't understand why I've been doing this.

Spy Car

Well-Known Member
Which is exactly the way I felt for many years after switching to 100% vaping. About once a year I would try smoking again, and be reminded of why I was glad to leave smoking behind for vaping.

Which is also why I created this thread over my utter confusion as to why I was starting to all of a sudden like to occasionally smoke again recently....especially after for so many years I only wanted to vape because I felt that smoking was both wasteful and tasted like trash. And now look at me, feeling going against my own tastes. That is why I was so confused by my weird actions, and why I started this thread to discuss it.

I still don't understand why I've been doing this.

Unless there is some unresolved issue that you ought to attend to (desire to self-harm, etc.) I'd cut yourself some slack.

Sometimes you like to smoke a J or a bowl outside.

That might not be "optimal,"however, if you are vaping 90-95% of the time you have done yourself a world of good and I would not lose sight of the positive changes that you have adopted.

Give yourself a pat on the back brother.

We could both be combusting all the time. Progress!


Chicken No Name

Dazed and confused
And furthermore, I'll never understand the european thing with mixing tobacco in with their weed in a "splif" (joint or blunt). It makes it SO MUCH harsher on the throat/lungs, and I'll never understand why anyone would want to do it on purpose.
Probably because we have been using hash for a long time.
Weed just wasn't available until relatively recently. Difficult to consume hash without using tobacco. This habit has to a certain extent been continued with herb.
When I smoked, I found the blend of herb and tobacco smoother than pure weed.
I sometimes miss the simpler times of only having to carry some baccy, a few skins and a few grams of lovely hash.


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
When I smoked, I found the blend of herb and tobacco smoother than pure weed.

See, this kind if comment completely baffles me because, other than a blunt-wrap, every time I've attempted mixing tobacco with my cannabis it has been so much harsher and much more unpleasant of an experience than either of the two plants smoked by themselves. Like, I can smoke a cigarette and a joint by themselves, but if I try combining the two, it's just the harshest thing ever on my throat. For that reason, I've never been able to imagine mhy someone would enjoy a splif...and this is after I've tried to enjoy a spliff many times....but I always can't take the harsghness that is created from the cannabis/tobacco combination.

Maybe I just have a weak throat...but my history in my younger days of smoking bowls of black pipe-scraped resin-residue from smoking says differently.


Well-Known Member
Vaping 99% and love it
The head fuzzing rush
The exhalation filled with the taste of raw cannabis
The clean and crisp high
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Microbe minion
I'm with chicken! I always found a pure joint harsher than a spliff too, but didn't have a problem with pure pipe or bong bowls... It must be about what you get used to cos I can't make much sense of it lol! I also couldn't taste the weed very well when I started vaping seriously, it was only after a few months after stopping combusting did I start to taste the terps again. I also don't miss smoking, but I do miss rolling, and the simplicity of smoking.


See, this kind if comment completely baffles me because, other than a blunt-wrap, every time I've attempted mixing tobacco with my cannabis it has been so much harsher and much more unpleasant of an experience than either of the two plants smoked by themselves. Like, I can smoke a cigarette and a joint by themselves, but if I try combining the two, it's just the harshest thing ever on my throat. For that reason, I've never been able to imagine mhy someone would enjoy a splif...and this is after I've tried to enjoy a spliff many times....but I always can't take the harsghness that is created from the cannabis/tobacco combination.

Maybe I just have a weak throat...but my history in my younger days of smoking bowls of black pipe-scraped resin-residue from smoking says differently.
So, in exchange, this baffles me 😄 Tobacco has some cough suppressant to it, which makes it easier to consume (but more destructive obviously). My few attempts to smoke pure weed left me coughing the shit out.

I‘m one of those weird europeans who mixes weed with tobacco - at least I used to be for 2+ decades. In all those years I‘ve never seen weed being smoked other than that, seriously. I just learned it like that. Also I started smoking tobacco years before weed, so to me this wasn’t an issue.

Thing is that tobacco joints are way more addictive than pure weed. Also it’s a different high that I‘d describe as heavier, slower, dirtier. If you don’t like this, great! Don’t mess with this shit. I‘ve been doing this for way too long and every stoner I know still does and probably always will do.

For me the smell and taste of smoke triggers memories, even if it’s disgusting - probably even more then. Also I might have a slight desire to self harm. I don’t know the reason for your occasional smoking. But as long as it doesn’t include tobacco, I agree with the crowd saying you shouldn’t feel bad about this.


Big and Bouncy
See, this kind if comment completely baffles me because, other than a blunt-wrap, every time I've attempted mixing tobacco with my cannabis it has been so much harsher and much more unpleasant of an experience than either of the two plants smoked by themselves.
Maybe this is because the tobacco came directly from a cigarette? I often see people empty out a cig to mix it with weed and it just tastes terrible.

There's a reason why cigarettes have a giant cotton filter. The tobacco is laced with all sorts of other chemicals and it really requires a decent filter. When you have no filter or just a paper filter in a joint or blunt, it really tastes nasty. Pipe tobacco would probably be better but I'll pass on any nicotine thank you very much.
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Well-Known Member
Not sure what you mean. Dabbing IS vaporizing.
Look up the content of dab vapor"... it is also combusting as a lot of the compounds that smoke does, like cyanide, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, etc show up. So dabbing isn't much better than smoking.

we still smoke randomly. maybe two joints this week then none for 3-4 weeks. Just when the mood hits us. and it didn't kill Willy Nelson... and even Snoop couldn't out smoke him lol!


I think a lot of dabbers might disagree with this? Surely it would depend on the setup

That member is referring to a study which was performed at temperatures near 1000 Degrees Fahrenheit.


I’m sure there’s some people that still dab this hot but I haven’t personally seen it since the carb cap and banger was invented lol. Most people are dabbing closer to 500F than 500C 😂

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