Illinois and weed


Putin is a War Criminal
Does anybody know about the grower Highsman? I haven't seen them, or at least notice them before. And my local dispensary currently has several of their strains on sale at 40% off. Hard not to take a go at that just to try it out at least but I'd love to know if anybody has any experience with them. I wouldn't mind growing my stash a little bit at 40% off.


Active Member
Does anybody know about the grower Highsman? I haven't seen them, or at least notice them before. And my local dispensary currently has several of their strains on sale at 40% off. Hard not to take a go at that just to try it out at least but I'd love to know if anybody has any experience with them. I wouldn't mind growing my stash a little bit at 40% off.
Its a Revolution brand.


Putin is a War Criminal
Right. I was wondering how their quality compares to other growers. There are a lot of revolution brands from okay to good. Revolution is the parent company of my nearest medical dispensary...


I had not heard of them and started to poke around. Interesting marketing, you gotta dig to find any pictures of their flowers on their website nor instagram. IMO that is fuckin weird.


Putin is a War Criminal
Found some NEZ on sale for 25% off. Only in eights so still pricy ($40.??) but I guess you get what you pay for.


Active Member
I think some have closed or relocated but I wonder how long until more dispensaries start closing? Went to one of my med dispos today since they had a discount. I was the only person in there, along with more than a dozen employees. You can't sustain a business without customers.


Putin is a War Criminal
I think fewer dispensaries might reduce the drop we are starting to see in prices. Competition lowers the price. It doesn't have to be a very expensive kind of business to operate so skilled marketing may very well make the difference. There are creative ways to get people into your store.
:: waving from Lake Cty::

FYI - There's a new (as in bldg construction) dispo being built in Lakemoor (they may be benefiting by village TIF, etc., but still).
All nice and shiny. Since it's in a shopping complex (anchored by a grocery), I'm curious to see them, once they open (soon).

No idea on pricing; their web storefront is on FB, and it didn't look like there was a lot of activity on it. But I'm guessing it'll be on par with RISE over in Mundelein, which is the most expensive in my area (but also the largest / most vertically integrated).


Putin is a War Criminal
Rise has some good sales, but the one near me is Recreational only. The savings on taxes are the only thing that makes dispensary cannabis possible for me. Otherwise, it would be too expensive and I would have to go back to the black market.


Feel like I’m winnin’ when I’m losin’ again
black market

*grey market. Mercantilist restriction on “legal” trade creates a grey market, not a black one. It’s not illegal to sell weed, just illegal if you don’t have the right connections.

ETA: missing Bedford Grow…I could go for some Orange Afghani or Lou’s Legacy any day of the week and twice on Sunday.


Putin is a War Criminal
A guy in Illinois illegally getting his cannabis from California and selling it from his home without any taxes or controls is selling the cannabis black market. It is illegal to import cannabis from California, and it is illegal to sell it here unless you are a licensed dispensary. That is black market.


Feel like I’m winnin’ when I’m losin’ again
Unless you have the right connections. Affluent investors from the Chicago suburbs are doing exactly what you are stating, with the approval of their friends in the state house. When you allow one set of people to do one thing, and punish others for the exact same, that is a mercantilist grey market.

Letting corporatists set your dialectics puts you at a disadvantage from the outset, but pick your own path.


Putin is a War Criminal
Unless you have the right connections. Affluent investors from the Chicago suburbs are doing exactly what you are stating, with the approval of their friends in the state house.
I was not aware that this was happening. I know, of course, of people doing it illegally, but I was not aware that this was being sanctioned for anyone. Not sure how it can be, honestly. I think it's a violation of federal law to sell cannabis across state lines.


Putin is a War Criminal
I must say it's a little tempting. I think even more fun would be a farmer's market type event, but I haven't heard of any of those in this area yet. I haven't really been looking, so I might have missed something but Illinois's legality is not quite as casual as other places.
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