if you were stuck on a deserted island and had one electric outlet to recharge batteries what would be your vape of choice? I am currently downsizing a lot of my collection on the classifieds and my devices I am keeping is my dynavap with a portside mini and my milaana 3 when she comes in. I really like the dual use of the dyna vap, I can use it with my induction heater or any flame I can find. what say you?
How can that question be approached?
You have added rechargeable and natural gas (which I respect!) into the discussion!
On battery discussion, Magic Flight Launch Box comes to respectable application for many reasons!
Are we talking "Mad Max" society?
It brings into the lime light heavily although I have a collection of (remember, we are by your definition excluding butane) battery powered vapes.
Now is time to ask the question ... "do we get a transformer, or just an outlet's worth?".
MFLB is a stealth and sweet little unit.
My choice above was motivated on my being mobile.
I am not in reality... not any longer... BUT you said "a power source "!
Can I have the ability to have extra batteries ?
What about a desktop that relies on stored energy?
Does our ingenuity, count as to the answer?
Are we discussing a new mixed source that in all of our infinite insanity
can go on forever?
Sorry for mixing things up here... but your premise has many interesting avenues to explore!
I am willing to follow your initial question!