What my science teacher didnt tell me:
That the Andromeda galaxy has not one, but two nuclei.
Visual image of Andromeda
Infrared image of Andromeda’s core
Or that there are other instances of multiple nuclei galaxies ( HST, infrared )
Will these galaxies eMERGE as Seyferts, as the nuclei (with their black holes) eventually meld, producing 1000x
The luminosity of the host galaxy?
In the case of Andromeda, would the then AGN appear as a Blazer, should it become face-on over time,
Or even more climactic, will the solar system become a rogue sun, and orphaned planets, wandering alone in
Intergalactic space. Busted.
Later (on the cosmic scale), when Andromeda and the Milky Way approach closer each unto the other, will there again
Be a supermassive spiral with a double nuclei, with their massive, heavy black holes spiraling into each others
—And eventually, a bigger, build back better ~(Andromeda+Milky Way)~ Galaxy.

A much LARGE-eR one.
Things my science teacher did not teach me.