Thank you guys for getting my back and helping me out of this dreadful situation .
Hey VW there is a good chance is that it goes for possession and personal use . For sure i have motives for that and the waterpipes i was bringing with me justify that somehow. but still i can be convicted as a dealer cuz i had a scale in my luggage ( and this is one of the main evidences if it goes that way - kind of ill logic i explained i use it to help me keep dosage and don't go into abuse. ).
I did found a skillful lawyer who can work out the personal use angle you are speaking of , and she says that it is very likely to happen if she does her job it is 70 % likely that she succeeds. (It all depends on the personality of the judge and the prosecutor, cuz there are few good guys and many mad dogs over there). Personal use can go few ways too.. I can get jail time or conditional sentence + administrative penalty and probation (all of those will be noted in my file and will mess up with career)
Calling publicity and promoting effects of the mj (medical or recreational) will call more public attention to my case and make the Judges more fierce and willing to make example of my case and show publicity what happens to bad addicts..
As said meth=pot=crack in their book..
*personal use ------- Most likely they believe but there are still other exits possible
*only out for the move (I explained all that.. but i don't know what is it is weight in court and how it can help me..
*I'm more valuable to my community as a student and consumer, than would be possible in jail. -- That is for sure .. but then again i am just the X case of a student who gets his life and career fucked up just for using high risk narcotic .. + 99% of the policemen around here have never been or even thought of being a student.. so even when they bust you.. they see a boost in their career on the small price of yours... They don't care who is busted or not as soon as they filled their "needed numbers..".
You are right about follow the leader who is pointing the bad guys syndrome.. + as mentioned we got a filthy rich COP for prime minister and bodyguard as head of the leading party.. (ex agent in the comunist secret services ).
If you come to california I can offer you a place to live for a couple of months, but I can't help you find work, or get past the legality of working here while illegal. (But you can get your med card for $45)
Тhat will be a dream come true for sure i will consider it seriously one day ! Finding a job and being legal is what i am worried about at most.. I gotta check how badly can possible future verdicts reflect on that.. and how hard it is going to be to get a legal job there.
Offering me a place to stay gives me comfort and makes my heart melt away + medical card = happy times..

Thank you for those beams of hope that brighten up my path into my maze of desperation..
Good luck, - jeez that sounds lame
---- I don't think that it sounds lame it is what i really need atm.. other than $ and a good lawyer ,
Qbit Bulgaria is a phenomena of nature and will always be in my heart.. But if you don't plan on living in the forest.. it is a pretty awful place to live.. Corruption rules everywhere and young people are smashed by the Old Law... + You can see day by day how things are getting worst and future seems darker and obscured.. Our country is notorious for the brain leakage (students and educated people getting out of the country in search of better life..)
Do you know that once arrested for pot you get a lifetime FLAG on your id for possesion and they can hold you for 24 and search you whenever they want.. without any legal reasons... + messed up career if you get a verdict.
Sry if my reply seems a bit chaotic but i spend a long night with my school projects and my head is a spectacular mess right now. I need a little puff of calmness to get things straight,,
Love you FC !!!!
Plz check this out so you can get an idea how tough things can go if you got a mean judge,prosecutor and no magician-lawyer....
HERE (its google translation but you will get the idea..)
(I must say that the guy on video with the joint in the parliament is now considered totally nuts and extremely brave : He is saying : Look at this , this is what you ruin a persons life for.. he even asks the president to neglect/excuse the verdict (i am not sure this is the right translation)

but it gave almost zero effect in the publicity and will be remembered as a funny story - 8 years prison and 5000 euro penalty)..