Thank you for the support Guys ! It is a dream to visit you and vape together and it will be done one day for sure ! My GF turned out to be a mean drama bitch... After the whole drama she promised she won't bother me in the next few days till i move out.. Well tonight i decided to go at a home visit with a friend at some new friends house..
Well my Ex called me begging me to come to the party... Well i told her i don't want her there cuz it always ends up in a fight cuz she still claims me to be her boyfriend infront those people.. and her co-students.. even her parents... Meanwhile she is whoring around and giving me bad name... like she is doing something behind my back...
I don't have the emotional power and stability to announce what is happened between us.. cuz it may throw some negative feeling to either on of us.. We discussed that what is between us is between us... and noone else has to know.. well.. i didn't like the double standard ... she's playing... I am no fool... but i also am not a mean and bad person so i dont want to make her look bad... or re-pay the shame... She is behaving so stupid that after our last fight at a party at a friends house.. she ran away to a very notorious bar.. and later shared in her anger.. that there was a chance that she got raped then... cuz she don't wanted to go back home cuz of me.... Well that is too much guilt for me... And even after that i forgave her and told crash under her begging that she is alone and feeling bad and she need company.. and she wants very bad to come to that party even though she promised me not to come cuz of last nights fight... Well the scenario happened again.. but this time there was demonizing and suicide threats.. that made her look like a crazy person... what she really is .. (having in account her family psychiatric history.. .lol ) She also twist truth... and creates stories about me which is something that broke my heart in pieces.. in time of great trouble...

As for the bright side of life... not much left of my exam session.. It ends right on my birthday 30th of June

.. and then there will be a nice July moring

.. and i hope it will get easier for me..
I really want to visit you right away.. but i doubt i will be allow to leave the country once trial starts or prosecution is up.. Well i will ask my lawyer! Thank you for the love... and plz excuse me for my absence on the forum... i only have little time to read what is going on around ..
