I don't believe butter on waffles or pancakes is proper

2 Cycle

Well-Known Member
I look at heaping slabs of butter on peoples' breakfast plates and just shake me head. Weird food combination is weird, what is the draw here? I just don't think that butter has any place on a breakfast plate. It is too salty and fatty for me.


Well-Known Member
I look at heaping slabs of butter on peoples' breakfast plates and just shake me head. Weird food combination is weird, what is the draw here? I just don't think that butter has any place on a breakfast plate. It is too salty and fatty for me.
I love fresh whipped butter on pancakes, waffles, and French toast. Not heaping slabs, but a nice coating.


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I don't usually use it myself. I do every once in a while, with a tiny dollop. I like to put berries on mine and just eat them like that. I microwave the berries for a bit so they are warm and soft, and they make their own syrup.


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It is too salty and fatty for me.
I dislike Salted Butter.
I always loved fresh unsalted butter.
I never gained weight, but I did eat a great deal of butter.
I never liked it on waffles or pancakes however.....
Just on toast, rolls, bread, and in recipes.
Farm fresh butter... and Cannabutter made from fresh unsalted butter.
On every piece of bread, and on every baked potato (triple scoops).
And Breakfast was a very big butter time for me.
I spread it on thickly... after all I weighed only 151.
and looked as healthy as anyone I ever knew.
A few months ago, the Doctor told me that my cholesterol was "Well over 300".
I just don't think that butter has any place on a breakfast plate
I fear I have been forced to agree now.
I have not eaten butter in 4 months.
My cholesterol dropped from 350 to 292 (that was one month ago), and that was just from stopping the Butter consumption.
I continue to avoid Butter, and am sure the numbers have decreased further (I get tested again in a couple of months.
About Propriety:
Proper is what brings joy.
@2 Cycle does not believe buttering waffles is proper... therefore it is not.
@bobbylite feels it is very proper... therefore it is.
Ahh butter... good and bad....wrong and right.... proper and improper....
what a versatile dairy product.

I no longer miss butter.
Fact is I tried a bit last week on a roll at a restaurant, and was grossed out.
Things Change.


Well-Known Member
My cholesterol dropped from 350 to 292 (that was one month ago), and that was just from stopping the Butter consumption.

Congrats Vito. :tup: My total cholesterol levels are super, super low, 117 taken a few weeks ago (down from over 300) but I've been able to accomplish it by limiting a helluva lot more than just butter, but it's important to state that when you make a dietetic change, it's amazing how things that you once really liked, you no longer like. It's amazing how we can get so accustomed to a particular taste that you think that you will always miss it once it's gone which in most cases, isn't true at all.
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That's it.
Ice cream and cookies are next on my list of elimination!

It's also about additions, Vito, like steel cut oatmeal, olive oil, salmon, nuts, avocado's, and yeah..........chocolate (dark chocolate, not milk chocolate).

I turned my whole diet upside-down about 9 years ago and ya know, I like it so much that even if it didn't lower my cholesterol, I don't think I'd ever go back to quarter-pounders, fries and pizza anymore and I used to literally live on that stuff.
I look at heaping slabs of butter on peoples' breakfast plates and just shake me head. Weird food combination is weird, what is the draw here? I just don't think that butter has any place on a breakfast plate. It is too salty and fatty for me.
I feel the same way about ice cream on pancakes especially for breakfast. For me its just wrong. A little butter and syrup works for me.
Mr. Gweilo 420,
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It's also about additions, Vito, like steel cut oatmeal, olive oil, salmon, nuts, avocado's, and yeah..........chocolate
I actually was being a wise guy with my comment about giving up ice cream and cookies... those are long gone.
I did turn it 100% around.
Vegetable juice (a quart a day ... spinach, ginger, carrot, and more.
No red meat.. only fish (mostly salmon and fresh trout)
Whole grain Oats and Bran, and all other things you mentioned.
Very few carbs at all.
Can not do nuts or popcorn due to other intestinal complications.
We have also given up dairy except for 1% milk for Oatmeal or cereal.
85% cocoa dark chocolate is the only sweet treat we have eaten.
On top of this, we exercise 3 times a week at a heated therapy pool.
I must lower the level by diet and exercise alone, as I have muscular complications in both legs, and the Statin drugs will further complicate muscular issues.
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Well-Known Member
I actually was being a wise guy with my comment about giving up ice cream and cookies... those are long gone.
I did turn it 100% around.
Vegetable juice (a quart a day ... spinach, ginger, carrot, and more.
No red meat.. only fish (mostly salmon and fresh trout)
Whole grain Oats and Bran, and all other things you mentioned.
Very few carbs at all.
Can not do nuts or popcorn due to other intestinal complications.
We have also given up dairy except for 1% milk for Oatmeal or cereal.
85% cocoa dark chocolate is the only sweet treat we have eaten.
On top of this, we exercise 3 times a week at a heated therapy pool.
I must lower the level by diet and exercise alone, as I have muscular complications in both legs, and the Statin drugs will further complicate muscular issues.


I actually thought twice before putting up that smilie 'cause when I'm out running, every once in awhile, someone will give me the thumbs up which on one hand is an appreciated gesture but on another, it's a reminder of my age.

Anyway Vito, I didn't realize how on top of it you were. Sorry for assuming otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Shameful confession here

When I was 5 years old I discovered butter came in stick form. I discovered how much I loved the taste of salted butter by sneaking a stick from under my mother's watchful eye and quite literally licking it like a god damn popsicle. I had made it through 3/4s of the stick when my mom caught me, and not only was I severely reprimanded for eating something unhealthy, sneaking it past my mom, etc, well, I got a horrifically bad stomach ache that lasted what felt like the rest of the day. Since then, perhaps psychosomatically, I have always had an extremely delicate gut that just can't handle fatty food well at all :(


Well-Known Member
You had no way of knowing of this.
I did just decide to switch to Steel Cut Oats, that I learned about right here from YOU.


Try making it with non-fat milk, a sliced banana, a quarter cup of blueberries, a quarter cup of blackberries, a handful of chopped walnuts and a bunch of cinnamon. Add some ABV if so inclined.
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