I don't believe butter on waffles or pancakes is proper


Well-Known Member
Not a fan of the pancake. Never really got it with or without butter. Kind of just fills you up and then sits there not doing much good.

Some people also say don't put butter and cream cheese on that bagel... Again wrong

But this for some reason I get. Don't say no to it until you've done it. Slice of onion and tomato on top, even better. Salt of course, maybe a light dusting of cayenne. But no beer. Don't dare drink a beer with that. Heavens no. Least of all a good one.

I eat butter with bread and crackers, not much else. I've started to consume it liberally the past year or so. I'm vegetarian and eat generally healthily. My body's been wanting the butter. So I'm giving in. I think it's about the animal fat. My brain might be wanting it. I use olive oil liberally too. Tried coconut oil for a bit, but couldn't make a habit of it for some reason. It does interesting things to a cup of coffee.

2 Cycle

Well-Known Member
English muffins are totally different and perfect with butter. I love butter, just keep it away from my waffles and panned cakes
2 Cycle,
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