So, it arrived yesterday. I have to say that it certainly has a "coolness" factor not seen before! It's fun and should be a big hit at the festival campsites this year

I have been using it on RED and get some decent clouds. The chamber is just the right size and the material nicely browned in the end. It seems to extract really well.
Any tips/tricks? I watched a lot of videos and already broke it down once.
EVlL 55 and everyone here!
EDIT: I charged it overnight and loaded it up again this morning. This time I chose Purple, and yea, purple is probably better than red! Wake and Bake!
There isnt any tips or tricks to be honest other than what i recommended earlier.
the sessions are 2 mins and thats not enough time, so go for round 2 with the same bowl.
2 back to back sessions will evenly cook the herbs.
Have you checked out the party mode?
cant rememeber how to activate it now, its 3 clicks while its on i think. Pretty cool feature.
Oh also, you dont always have to put water in

You can use with out water too.
remember to clean the air flow hole, the chamber, stirrer are the air path under the screw.
Takes seconds to do, once you done it once then its just so much easier next time. Luckily Cloudious have some nice tools included that you need for basically everything.
Cleaning the stirrer and air path will make the vape so much better and free and more tastier!
i use the 3rd colour Orange for first 2 min session then move up to purple to finish off the chamber
these are the colour temps :
Blue -200C– 392F
Greenish Yellow – 210C – 410F
Orange – 220C – 428F
Purple – 230C – 446F
Red – 240C – 464F