@biohacker & co, just to chime in here rather loosely and uncertainly: we had our best ever outdoor harvest last August. I really wanted to do the best job all round drying, curing and storing. There is a lot of pressure on it when you have your entire supply for at least a year coming in trucks all at once.
I also was unable to use my senses and judgement properly throughout the whole process due to an optic nerve problem affecting my mental and sensory ability.
I had hunidipaks handy, but the aim was to dry as slow as possible, jar up at the high tip end of curing range (65%), then gradually bring down over months. Wihout needing the packs until fully cured and storing.
I had heard that some growers feel the humidipaks can affect odors if used in the frist 4 weeks of curing specifically.
Anyway, I always get such bad anxiety when weed is hang drying, in case it overdries when temp goes up and humidity comes down. Conditions can swing and what would have taken another 48 hours to be ready to cure, can be less than 12 hours and your bud is overdried.
So you need to watch it closely, and be able to sense/perceive/intuit when it is right.
I am not able to do this very well. Also we trim the majority as we jar- this is the better way for final product than pre-hang trimming, but is more awkard and increases the anxiety of the drying process because it takes us hours and hours that way, and it can suddenly be upon you and need doing urgently.
So the whole process was out of my control this time. The first 2 plants were suddenly ready and seemed to be overdried. Hygrometers were reading like 54%!
I panicked thinking we had messed up with the first 6 ounces of really lovely, hard earned weed. So I put 2 humidipaks in each of the 6 jars, hoping you can re-add moisture and the curing process can still take place.
However, it can be very deceiving, as it can take some time for humidity to rise up after initial jarring.
The rest of the plants we made sure to jar sooner, to the point of too soon. This is best avoided because you need to burp so much to get the % below 65, when weather allows. Hate waiting days and days in high 70% humidity before I can burp overly moist jars again.
We made a hash of things, not really sure of very much in the state I was in. Then I discovered the hygrometers I was using were 3 or 4 % too high! So I had been burping the jars down from quite high- 65/66%, leaving open for long times, before I realised the hygrometers were wrong.
So then I was convinced I had messed up and that the jars were at that perfect range for a long slow cure- 62-64%, without needing to use humidipaks. I thought I had messed up over-airing the jars. The smell was amazing to begin with and seemed to be mostly gone from opening them too much.
So I thought, fuck it, and put humidipaks in every jar to restore to 62%, and just leave it as an experiment. I really wasn't capable of figuring out what to do or what was what.
Its all a bit hazy now, but on reflection the first seemingly overdried 6 ounces were probably about spot on for jarring. The drier of the 2 plants has the best aroma.
Long story short(er)
, after months of storage with humidipaks, I can positively day that the smell in almost all jars is massively reduced, from stunning to barely noticeble.
I am also sure that the majority of it needs further drying now still. It is not fine grindable out of the jarm some is very soft and pliable.
I really don't know if the smell is reduced due to humidipaks (Im quite sure it is), or how much it is due to the weed needing to dry out more.
@biohacker (if you're still there buddy lol), I know what you mean about drying too fast/too much and loss of odor. But as
@Doktor Dub said above, I also have observed many times that smell can dissapear when the herbs are moister, like when curing ib a jar and it rises to 63% or above, and can then return when the herb dries further again.
I am pretty sure I need to dry my jars out now. I have taken nearly all humidipaks out. I will see if odor increases. The herb still works no apparent potency loss. Im mind of hoping I may have just stalled, or prolongued the curing process, which could end up a good thing, providing it is still ongoing and can complete.
The potency has developed like with properly cured bud. In future the goal will certainly be to be more on ball and avoid humidipaks entirely (as it was), or just short spells for over dried buds maybe.
There are still so many people who use humidipaks from the off and swear by it with no downside, with a range of dryness- some just assume the packs will bring down moisture from 65 to 62 (not how it works IMU), or dry to 58,60% then add packs, don't burp.
Or get jars to 62/63% then add packs and leave indefinitely. And strong testimonies of success too. So I just tried it that way after I was convinced I had overdried everything. Now it turns out it is not dry enough.
Sorry to ramble on guys. Im really not clear on this now. Univesrsally unreliable hygrometers kind of caused all this mayhem, panick and uncertainty. Just can't truly trust a single hygrometer. 3 each with different readings.
I plan to do better in future.