I think globalization is more responsible for that.Keep a small bowl of watermelon laying around. Most melons will work, but nothing like watermelon for some drymouth. That's one thing I can dig about GMO's - year round produce.
I think globalization is more responsible for that.
Swish your mouth out with Biotene.
I am ALWAYS right, Vicki........... ALWAYS.
What a great idea! at least with vapes that won't be harmed by a little water.The best way to avoid cottonmouth IME is just to drink plenty of that sweet dihydrogen monoxide ()
I always have a bottle of water with me for a sesh now, and aside from just generally drinking it, I take a small sip after every hit.
I started doing this more after I was playing around with my LSV using my mouth as a water chamber (mouth-bong FTW) and since I was swallowing the mouthful after each hit, I was inadvertently drinking more during a sesh.
If all else fails, that biotene stuff works wonders too
Read harder.Ok I opened this thread thinking someone found a way to rid ones self of cottonmouth. so far all i read was what you drink while vaping and dehydration. ya want to avoid dry mouth dont use what you use in the vape. I know then we wouldnt vape but lets face it. cannabis causes cottonmouth keep the water handy and all is good if you run out and are coutchlocked you gonna get cottonmouth.