Many of our threads have become so long that it has gotten difficult for people to find the good stuff. To cope with this, we use "Best Of" threads.
These threads are created by copying the best posts for each thread to a locked thread in this sub-forum.
Finally, we reserve the right to make the decision whether a post will be included or not.
Please do not start discussions here. Make your comments in the Best Of... thread in the Community section. To make this work, we need volunteers. Thanks for helping.
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These threads are created by copying the best posts for each thread to a locked thread in this sub-forum.
- We will copy posts based on your recommendations.
- Anyone can nominate a post by simply posting a link to it in this thread. Place your cursor over the number in the lower right corner of the post, then right-click and copy the link.
- Nominated posts should be reasonably well-written and provide useful information.
- Once a nomination has been dealt with, it will be removed from this thread.
Finally, we reserve the right to make the decision whether a post will be included or not.
Please do not start discussions here. Make your comments in the Best Of... thread in the Community section. To make this work, we need volunteers. Thanks for helping.
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- You can put as many nominations in a post as you like within the 10,000 character limit.
- You can nominate your own posts.
- Valid respectful criticisms should be selected. These aren't fan threads.
- Problem descriptions are important even if they are unresolved.
- The posts selected can be identified by the Best Of FC badge:
This badge is a link back to the relevant "Best Of" thread.
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