Bc vape -110
vapor bros - 100
volcano - 720
mflb - 120
PD - 210
mflb x2 - 134
pa- 67
eclipse - 94
vials - 20
hose - 20
mflb accessories - 100 (charger upgrade, whips, stems, etc)
ssv - 240
bho kit - 175
bongs - 145
2255. but there is more that I am not thinking of atm. I know it.
vapor bros - 100
volcano - 720
mflb - 120
PD - 210
mflb x2 - 134
pa- 67
eclipse - 94
vials - 20
hose - 20
mflb accessories - 100 (charger upgrade, whips, stems, etc)
ssv - 240
bho kit - 175
bongs - 145
2255. but there is more that I am not thinking of atm. I know it.