Roger D
Vapor Wizard

A bar for a day, the last one is today. 140 days, 80 grams.
I don't want to spend too much on the overpriced market. It sells at 12e/g average witch is ridiculous for what this is, dry flowers. It should be a fraction of that.
If I could I would use 1.2g/day the whole year. Like we can see in the graph, that's the daily amount I picked up from my home grown stash for my vacations, I really enjoyed to have plenty. But that's a bunch of work to afford such amounts if you want it like that all the time. Buying or growing. I'm already at 200e/month for my overall average (.57/day) when I have to buy. Fucking expensive. I don't know how long I can afford it even while restricting myself which is a double

I have to get back to grow. 50g of the 80g that were used in the graph was home made stuff, doing the maths it saved me around 600e, that's what it would have cost buying it. The problem is that our grow room is too cold on top of a bunch of many problems like a lack of fresh air intake that we have to resolve, and trying to heat the room do not work either. I do that with a friend. We only had a whole total dry yield of 200g, 100g/person ; in more than two years ! Only two sessions really worked at 100g each. We really had a lot of troubles and disappointment, all the time we worked our asses off without getting results and many times we were let down. Plants seemed to lock and the overall growing was really slow. The flowers were always really good when harvested, rock hard sticky material, so much better than what you can buy, and 100% organic. Gourmet stuff.
That's our lack of experience and the poor conditions that makes the quantity suffer. I hope the next session will be a good one. Like everybody who grows medically goal is to be 100% independent and to not buy anything, while being able to quality control medicine in the whole process.