This thread and the micro-dosing one as really opened my eyes ! (Just for a moment, lol ) thanks to all who post and to EverythingsHazy for the survey poll idea on subject!!
I'm sadly a .2ish but will aim for .05 after seeing it is possible and being done by many.
I joined this Forum only last week seeking Log Vape information and it's been a great time since!!
I recently started vaping maybe a month ago with portable vaporizers therfor even my current .2 rate is to me small when compared to combustion. Still, I get quite the affects I seek and have noticed many advantages to vaporizing!
Today, I only dosed half the amount per session 0.1ish (being inspired by you guys the previous night!) Im quite suprised by the high and vape I still get from half the load!!!! Vape is not as dense but the feeling and buzz is

I feel like this will improve over time and once having a log vape in hands !
Happy vaporizing ! F*@& combustion!
I did notice I pack the bonG way less when / if reaching for it too

) now I need a .00 or.000 calculator loll