I reside in an area of Canada[Vancouver Island] where, no one really cares what you do, as long as it isn't,something nasty, directed at them.Young or old, most folks around here smoke the stuff, or know someone that does, and as a result don't care, if you are vaping, or smoking joints.It's been a very minor crime, here for decades.It is soon to become legal ,here in Canada, so there is even less for the public or police to care about .The main reason why, I don't vape in public, is simply that I don't want to be ingesting weed constantly, and developing an expensive level of tolerance,even though the good stuff around here is reasonably priced.
I wish to get wasted when I vape.If Ingest cannabis, every time I go out, it kind of defeats the purpose of the stuff, and being high becomes your normal waking state.It begin to lose the fun factor after a while.I completely understand folks that need it for, pain management,and medicinal reasons. I'm lucky I'm not in that category yet.
I'm glad to live in Canada, as a weed connoisseur, after reading about, all the horror stories, on this site of Nazi style frisking,and booting down doors, by the police, and metal detectors at the zoo.Our police are nice and polite, by comparison. Canadians are mostly, nice and polite, and I find that the strong weed, grown up here, helps us mellow ourselves enough, to achieve that laid back, congenial, state of politeness, us Canucks are famous for.