How do you vape in public?


Well-Known Member
IMO the relative novelty of vaporizers is an advantage at the moment. People don't expect it so its kind of invisible, even in the tech forward Bay Area. If you don't give yourself away with suspicious movements that make it look like youre smoking hardly anyone notices and even if they do they have no clue.


Well-Known Member
I'm waiting for the Ascent as well, but for now I have my MFLB. Kinda fiddly to use in public, but I've done it several times (water park, theme park, just walking around, etc.). I usually just ghost hit or exhale into my sleeve so no vapor is visible. I haven't ever done it inside in a public place, as I feel it can still be smelled pretty easily and I live in a backwards-ass state where there aren't too many cannabis users, so I don't want to risk it.
Reveen, what is a ghost hit?
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Space is the Place
Like others have said , I just keep moving and try not to blow clouds when people are near . I'm not real big anymore on just doing something just to get away with it but if out and have the need to medicate I try to do only a hit or two and move on . I know if I am just sitting watching people I can tell if they are smoking or sneaking hits off a bottle pretty sure I would spot anyone vaping if they are sitting in one spot .


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
My thought act as it is an ecig and it will be looked at that way. I have vaped over the course of a day waiting for my car outside even when people came over to talk to me. They didn't say a word and I just acted normal.....ok as normal as I can be. I was using the INH at the time.


Ultra + DART in public, "it's an electronic cigarette" as I pull out my juice (I also carry my AVA for actual ecigging hehe). No one would second-guess it because it looks just like one and produces clouds ;)


Well-Known Member
Wow that kind of sucks cause it was suppose to get legalized for mmj and it has been decriminalized for years. Now they are cracking down for no reason...sounds reasonable. I hope you are allowed to still smoke in your house/apt. In the past if you got caught it was just a bs desk ticket. Makes me not want to come to NY damn.
In NY State possession of less than 2oz is a Violation [not a misdemeanor] & carries a fine of up to $100, for the 1st offense. Defined as 'unlawful possession'. However possession of less than 2oz in a public place is 'criminal possession', a misdemeanor, punishable by up to 3 months in jail.
This is what's been going on recently. During a Stop & Frisk, the police order a person to empty their pockets. If they have some MJ they are arrested & charged under the 'public possession' law. This has come under fire because the great majority arrested are people of color. I have a feeling this is a trick the NYC police use to bolster their arrest numbers. I understand that Bloomberg has ordered the police to stop this practice, although reigning in the police is not always so easy.
Using in your own house is usually not a problem, unless the police have a reason to visit.


Well-Known Member
several factors have contributed to activities such as stop and frisk. The broken windows approach, where police are deployed to poor neighborhoods under the assumption that cracking down on minor crime will discourage violent crime (the appearance of disorder begets disorder), computerized statistics, or COMPSTAT, which combines police department crime data and geographic information with police accountability, and the Byrne Justice Assistance Grants (JAG), where local and state police grants are based in part on arrest numbers.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
In NY State possession of less than 2oz is a Violation [not a misdemeanor] & carries a fine of up to $100, for the 1st offense. Defined as 'unlawful possession'. However possession of less than 2oz in a public place is 'criminal possession', a misdemeanor, punishable by up to 3 months in jail.
This is what's been going on recently. During a Stop & Frisk, the police order a person to empty their pockets. If they have some MJ they are arrested & charged under the 'public possession' law. This has come under fire because the great majority arrested are people of color. I have a feeling this is a trick the NYC police use to bolster their arrest numbers. I understand that Bloomberg has ordered the police to stop this practice, although reigning in the police is not always so easy.
Using in your own house is usually not a problem, unless the police have a reason to visit.

Guess they are arresting lots of high school students again...unreal. They used to just get tickets and they were packed in many separate bags in small amounts. They didn't even bother with intention to sell. I guess it has changed yet again.


Well-Known Member
I live in upstate ny and have never had a problem with police. the hand full of police in our family seem to think it should be legal. I was also told they look the other way if they come to your home and see a bowl, personal bag, ect. They have also told me they would rather deal with stoners than drunks. I gHess if your loOkin all sketchy in the big city ghetto you might get searched for weapons but they don't do that in my area. As far as vapeing in public just do it with some common sense.
I vape in public all the time. Usually with my INH just because it is the closest to looking like an ecig. But usually I don't give a fuck because most people are "cool". Actually I was in the bar yesterday(higher class bar) and there were some older ladies sitting next to us and we just got to talking. Just randomly the lady said she wished there was MJ soda and I told her that there is! Then I showed her my MJ card and then they offered me $5 each just for a hit, but unfortunately with it being illegal I can' really just vape with anyone(could be an undercover or working for the police). Sometimes I will share a hit with a random stranger if it's just me and them. Like if I'm outside of a bar taking in a session(usually no one gives a shit at bars) and then someone asks about it and wants some.


Well-Known Member
I am always aware of the potential consequences of kosing my card priveleges by violating the terms of agreement, including the rule about personal use only. It sort of contradicts the spirit of cannabis though.


Well-Known Member
I am always aware of the potential consequences of losing my card priveleges by violating the terms of agreement, including the rule about personal use only. It sort of contradicts the spirit of cannabis though.
Politicians & cannabis = strange bedfellows. But things are moving forward, & quickly. At least you're in a state that permits it's use.
I wonder what the Feds are going to do...It's hard to imagine them getting behind legalization or even medical marijuana. Now. But in the near future, I think the people will demand it.


Well-Known Member
And -Bloomberg isn't a total jerk, he's actually pretty forward looking in many areas.
I don't know, man. Profiling people based on the color of their skin in 2013 and being totally unaware at how insensitive his remarks are, make him a jerk in most people's books. Not to mention this isn't the only unconstitutional thing he's responsible for; his third term is a disgrace. How he's never been able to negotiate a contract with the unions after serving three terms. How he's bullied small businesses around the city by raising taxes and fines for small offenses. Stop & Frisk. The Blizzard. Closing a shitload of schools while appointing a businesswoman for chancellor. The list goes on and on.

Fenton Mewley

A man in search of cloudier pastures
I've used the MFLB at baseball and football games. This is what I do:

Wear a larger hoodie (usually cold anyways), pull arm sleeves over hands. Grab vape in pocket, and vape from your hand as if you are "warming" them with your mouth.

When I go to a baseball game (not hoodie weather), I usually go up to the highest seats so people are usually looking at me. If it's a larger crowd, I go into a bathroom stall for a bit (and to also drink the liquor I brought).
Fenton Mewley,
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Well-Known Member
With my Solo, like a boss sitting there drinking coffee at Starbucks. Act like your doing nothing wrong. I never duck, turn to the side or anything to look like I'm hiding. Like a dog can smell fear, peopke who would not like you Smoking will sense your getting high if you don't have confidence. I also sit away from the crowd down wind and usually havean ecig with me, to redirect attention. Never appear to be hiding

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I do the same! I was at Lebowski fest and was just hitting my solo without a care in the world lol. No one gave a shit and I'm in a non med state. Granted I was at Lebowski fest so most likely those people really didn't care but I was sitting right by the cops on horses :) I'll get a pic of it in use next time


Forum Crawler
Detonator has it right, confidence is key, most won't realise you're engaging in something illegal, and if you remember that only those who recognise a vaporiser know what you're doing, certainly seems to make the odds appear stacked in favour of them being okay with it..

Personally I prefer not to vape in public, the prisons here are terrifying and penalties can be harsh if you've been arrested for possession in the past..
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