I'm starting to move more towards the dispensary pens even though it's incredibly expensive in my state.
Used to buy the syringes of oil to fill my Kanger, but I'm a convert to the pre-filled disposable cartridges w/ coil. 0.5 gm CO2 oil. My go to dispensary has 'em now for $20@ if you buy 5, so they're quite economical. I generally prefer vaping herb than oil, but pens are just so stealthy.
The stealth factor is insanely good. My legal factor is good as well. The price is not good. 500mg for $130 bucks. And you have to fill your own cart.
OMG for a single syringe of oil? That is a f'in ridiculous price. Figuring on a 10% oil yield, that comes to $26/gram of herb. Ouch!
What is this 'outside' and 'public' thing you all keep going on about?
It's pretty great has lots of cool places to visit, eat, and see. I highly recommended it.
I had a interesting experience while medicating with my asthma tincture in a grocery store yesterday. I pass this one lady talking to a store worker, Then about 20 seconds later a seemingly random lady thought about taking a grab at my asthma tincture mod while her mom I passed 20 seconds earlier was complaining to store workers it turns out.
This is a store I normally go to about once a month when up here for over the past decade. I have only once been approached there about it in 2014 so this was all a surprise.
I was approached by two store workers rather aggressively about 30 seconds after that attempted grab. The lead one about 2.5 feet shorter than me says (sir you can't do that in here) I confused as hell say ( This is my Dr approved asthma medication) And they both just stood there confused as hell so I said (It's for my asthma I can die without it) They still confused look over to the Gf she say's. (Yeah that's his Dr approved medication) I don't recall the few words said after that, But they then went over to the lady and explained.
I happened to noticed the two had actually drove there together, So I snapped a few shots to have since the one attempted to grab my medication mod, And the other one thinks anything the t.v says is true.![]()
All I can say to that kind of behavior is they better grab fast or my vape may become a weapon.Militant inhalant grabbers! they are proposing war on inhaled devices! Aggressively Grab any in site= there motto
All I can say to that kind of behavior is they better grab fast or my vape may become a weapon.
Been to pretty much all of the places in that video with the Omicron V4. I found that the cops there really don't give a fuck about what you are vaping.