I could not agree more.
Much more to follow when I get time to experiment but all I can say is that I couldn't be happier.
I was looking for something to fill a particular void in my routine.
Something aesthetically pleasing that would allow me to have a full evening session without roaring butane torches to ruin the chilled ambience.
Something that could be loaded and used while melting into my favourite armchair using about the same amount of effort as breathing.
Something designed so well I'm struggling to think of mods. (VAS suppression - at least for a week).
I actually really like the simplicity and functionality of the OG glass and lid but will need to get something to provide a 14mm male presentation so I can use other pieces.
I'll also change the whip for something less DIY colonic irrigation but for now I'm happier than a pig in shit

Happy Daze !