^What a great question, I'm certain we've all shared these same thoughts. I liken it to alcohol consumption. We get much different feelings from chugging quickly, opposed to slow sipping and maintaining that steady buzz. It's an art worth learning. If you don't want to pull a whitey, I'd hang out with you. Your opinion is totally valid, and very reasonable.
I happen to be... perhaps a greedy American. Quite frequently I'm exhaling quite large clouds, mostly for my own visual pleasure.
I have often thought, could I trick somebody, pack them a baby bowl, but smear some tasteless e-liquid onto the bottom of the screen. The result would be a much larger cloud than you would get from a little tiny baby-pack.
This brings me to my thoughts about dose. Dose, the empirical measurement of intake is always a great idea to give yourself a frame of reference to come back to.
You could completely and utterly placebo the fuck out of me. If I hit a baby-packed vape, but there was something supplemental added to cause a large visual exhale, I would convince myself that I'm feeling way more medicated.
Exhaling that fat milky cloud is wayyyyy more satisfying than seeing a little wispy puff of half-vape. I'm sure anyone on here would agree that seeing a large quantity of vapor on the exhale gives a feeling of reassurance; it's like hitting the sweet spot on a baseball bat, or a golf club; you say ahhhhhh that felt fucking great.
Anyone who owns a Volcano probably thinks the same thing. It sure is nice.... seeing milk on the first bag or two. Get to that third bag, are you as satisfied? Probably not, probably feel a little less about that 3rd bag. (unless you fill half the chamber)
Really what I want to get at is the inaccuracy of a large exhale. I do it all the time, waste plenty of medicine. Perhaps I'll try this. When I really try, I can take small sips and let it sink in. It's a much less anxious way to enjoy cannabis. If you take a newbie or someone with low-tolerance and give them a milk-drag, they will get too intoxicated too quickly, and probably panic. If you were to start slamming shots of liquor in rapid succession, you know how you'd feel.
You my friend strike me as a slow-sippin, beer drinkin, steady vape sippin individual. Why can't I be more in control of myself like you? Perhaps it's the American thing, bigger, stronger, longer, fatter tokes=better time.
That's inaccurate though. It's too aggressive and egregious.