High temp vs low temp. Health concerns over the long term.


Well-Known Member
I very much disagree here. Coughing is a very normal regulation procedure of our respiratory system and happens all the time, it's definitely on the lower end of irritations we can experience and actually a sign that the whole system is working fine. Coughing fits, especially when they become painful, are a very different story of course, but your average cough is certainly not a warning sign per se. Some strains heavily tickle my throat even at lower temps – I consider such sensations being an indicator to adapt my inhaling and temp stepping techniques in order not to overload my lungs, but not as a sign for being in unhealthy temp ranges.
100% agree
if anything bad happens from vapor, it will happen from 190C / 220C , our lungs are kept around 20C, our systems, some leftovers left in our body either way, 220C just extracts it faster.... but i think the difference between low and high temp are not too critical


Well-Known Member
I very much disagree here. Coughing is a very normal regulation procedure of our respiratory system and happens all the time, it's definitely on the lower end of irritations we can experience and actually a sign that the whole system is working fine. Coughing fits, especially when they become painful, are a very different story of course, but your average cough is certainly not a warning sign per se. Some strains heavily tickle my throat even at lower temps – I consider such sensations being an indicator to adapt my inhaling and temp stepping techniques in order not to overload my lungs, but not as a sign for being in unhealthy temp ranges.
And once more it seems like my english skills are not good enough to write what i want to say^^
I wanted to refer to bronchial coughs, not normal coughing.
Your bronchia are very sensible sensors for unhealthy aspirations. If they make you cough, you are probably in an unhealthy temp-range.
I meant that dry, hard, itchy coughing that is caused by a scratching feel in your bronchia. That you think you can withstand, if you want it hard enough, but you can't at the end. That asthma-coughing.
This is why i also mentioned "that one strain", that makes me cough even at lower temps, it's just some hard terpenes i think. But hey, not every dosage is healthy, too.

And hopefully no one will ever feel hot air going down his/her lungs when vaping! ;) That was more of a joke, i thought that ^^ should sign that?
Hopefully i am not using that ^^ wrong, because if so, i do that for years now :doh:
Someone earlier in this thread mentioned something like that (the hot air of vaping could cause problems) and i tried to say that it is very unlikely to be that way.

Sorry for not making myself clear enough.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
The fact that it never occurred to me that you were anything but a very polite native english speaker is a huge compliment to your communications skills. Thanks for clarifying the hot air comment!
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