A conduction vape is not healthier than a convenction vape at all...
To reach the same core-temp in the bowl, the conduction-vape has to be hotter on the bowls surfaces, thus it could be burning the material at higher temps that directly touches the surfaces.
With convection, you can exactly adjust the temp that will go through all of the material in the bowl, no hot spots at the walls.
For sure it also depends on the heater. If your heater is stainless, there are no evaporations at usual temps. If you use an old heatgun with cheap chinese heating-wires, there could be oxidized flakings getting inhaled. Water-filter could prevent most of that. Titanoxide for example is a very bad thing to inhale...
If you can feel hot air going down your lungs, your temp is way too high^^
Temp should be set on the lowest end that reaches the desired temp, not at the highest. Like most of the people do not do it... If you can't get your bowl roasted, even when hitting it for a minute or two, but still get the herbs extracted after some seconds, then you have the right temp-setting. But this means a few seconds of "heating" without big clouds.
Most people have their temps adjusted to a level that produces thick clouds fast, but burning the material when hitting it longer than a few seconds.
Your bronchia are very sensible sensors for unhealthy aspirations. If they make you cough, you are probably in an unhealthy temp-range.
I am a medical user in germany, vaping every day, always around 180°C/356°F, and there is only one strain that can make me cough at that temps (very high terpene-level). Besides that one strain, it doesn't even scratch in my throat. If i raise temp, it begins to tickle in my throat, leading to coughing very soon, this is when my bronchia are telling me to stop that.
Same for your nose and tounge, btw. They can identify so many possibly dangerous things, just by smelling or tasting them. e.g. burned potatoes, bitter vegetables, bad softeners in cheap plastics and so on.
They can't identify everything dangerous, but are an easy guideline to follow if you are not sure