High IQ Cannabis users


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OK. Snoop Dog is 147 (or at least that says the internet…)

I’m interested about if any of you guys has been tested with any of the preceptive tests by a psychologist, or in school, associations like MENSA, etc and your IQ is in the 98% percentile (usually 135 or more in most scales) which is generally considered being a “very gifted” person, or whatever you want to call it.


Well-Known Member
Hi !
What's the main goal of this thread, excepting your personnal interest on the subject ?
Do you have any specific questions about that ?
Could you go further on sharing the points of your interest ?
Using cannabis has been one way to deal - at least for me - with "such a gift".
I went through so many hypothesis that i still wonder how i came - that late, in my early 40' - to an official test with a psychologist specialized in the detection of "gifted youngsters" (and no, he does not have a wheelchair, and his name is NOT "Professeur Xavier"… :D :D :D)


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I felt like weed made me smarter USUALLY, because it leaves the Dopamine levels higher than "usual" (a non user) but in the other hand you're dependent on that to leave the Dopamine in your Synapses.... so it's kinda an advatange and disadvantage. most users can't go through 48 hours without weed without having severe side effects, but it's not in a problem in USA/CA , weed is everywhere. and cheap. I just found out you can get fine 28gr in Seattle for like 80$ or 100$. in my case it was 350$ If I'm very lucky

I had a hit before my hardest exam in my degree and i think it helped me(!!) . I got a very good score comparing to 30 other students. 10 people got better than me. many failed it (less than 55 points) seriously. stopped vaporizing mainly because I was dependent on it and it's freaking expensive in my country.


Well-Known Member
Hi !
What's the main goal of this thread, excepting your personnal interest on the subject ?
Do you have any specific questions about that ?
Could you go further on sharing the points of your interest ?
Using cannabis has been one way to deal - at least for me - with "such a gift".
I went through so many hypothesis that i still wonder how i came - that late, in my early 40' - to an official test with a psychologist specialized in the detection of "gifted youngsters" (and no, he does not have a wheelchair, and his name is NOT "Professeur Xavier"… :D :D :D)

My main goal is to find people that are officialy considered as “highly gifted” ( or whatever other tag that puts you in the 98% percentile) by associations like MENSA and maybe share impressions here or by PM.

Based in your post, seems like we have a couple of things in common.


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Canna Chameleon

Muted by mods. Run off by rudeness.
I’ve been self medicating with cannabis since college. It always seemed to help by both slowing things down, and helping the creative process which allowed me to think outside the box.

When I was working it was a night and weekend use that helped with the stress and anxiety. Also reduced inhibition and let me be more comfortable in social situations.

Now that I’m retired it’s a full time practice.

By the way my IQ is unknown because by parents ripped up the test and swore to never tell me when I was a child. Wasn’t till I was an adult that a therapist finally told me I’m profoundly gifted.
Canna Chameleon,
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@TheFatBastard , i guess so too ^^
I'm not in an association or something like that, but officialy tested yes !
The answer i was looking for with that test was a way for me to have a better understanding of myself.
That question came with my kids at school.
And you ? Do you belong to such an organisation ? What has been your way to deal with that gift ?
When did you realise the kind of "gap" you had to face in order to deal with other people ?
And where is cannabis in your story ^^


Almost there...
We had to do this massive IQ test before being admitted to my program in University. This was back in the late 90's.
My score came back as 142.

It was a very thick book of questions, pictures you were allowed a few seconds to review and answer questions and lots of "what follows this sequence" images.
3 hours long and exhausted afterwards.

Apparently I was smart enough to be accepted!

Weed calms my brain down to an acceptable level and allows me to deal with the general population.
Work is difficult because I can see the problems as soon as we start discussing something and people get annoyed by not having the chance to say their piece... It gets very frustrating sometimes...

As a kid my parents put me into lots of sports to keep my brain entertained and it was always single player sports so I only had to blame myself if I lost or if I played poorly.
Friends were also very limited to ones in my same level of hyper brain activity.

These days it's a lot better and I usually just avoid situations where people are trying to figure something out. Best to just do my own thing!

Canna Chameleon

Muted by mods. Run off by rudeness.
Weed calms my brain down to an acceptable level and allows me to deal with the general population.
Work is difficult because I can see the problems as soon as we start discussing something and people get annoyed by not having the chance to say their piece... It gets very frustrating sometimes...

This. 100 percent


Well-Known Member
@TheFatBastard , i guess so too ^^
I'm not in an association or something like that, but officialy tested yes !
The answer i was looking for with that test was a way for me to have a better understanding of myself.
That question came with my kids at school.
And you ? Do you belong to such an organisation ? What has been your way to deal with that gift ?
When did you realise the kind of "gap" you had to face in order to deal with other people ?
And where is cannabis in your story ^^

Well, I was tested when I was 10 at school, though I never knew the exact result, but I remember that they talked about “very high potential”. I‘ve always been aware of being “smarter” than most people around me, though I learned soon that the real smart thing to do is behave normal and hide my eccentricities. I was tested again when I was 14, and confirmed I was in that 99% percentile.

Since then, is something that I just accepted as part of my personality, with all pros and cons, but never felt defined because of my IQ, thought knowing it helped me to understand some behaviours of mine. I was interested again in the subject recently because of my kids. I’ve been a fully functional guy, I can‘t relate to these poor highly gifted guys that are socially impaired, which led me to think I wasn’t that smart really. I knew what was like to feel different, but I saw my intelligence as a tool and not a curse.

I can feel the gap in order to deal with other people, most of the time is like is not worth to explain how I think or feel about some concepts as justice, happiness, success, love, people, etc….I know the smart thing is to adapt, so I don’t really make any efforts. I love that Joaquin Phoenix meme as the Joker , saying “you wouldn’t get it”, it really fits my thinking in a funny way.

When I started using cannabis nearly my 40’s, it was like if I my brain had been working my whole life at 9000rpm and then, suddenly, I was 3000rpm. And it felt NICE. Beside that, I also discovered a lot of things, like different thinking and idea associations, which truly attracted my curiosity about cannabis and how it works in the brain, and, specially, how it can be used to improve my life.


Well-Known Member
Testing always pushed me into advanced classes in school, where I'd find the material interesting but the work tedious. I've always been able to grasp concepts quickly, but then my focus is drawn to the next shiny thing. Eventually my parents sent me to specialists to determine why my actuality didn't match my potential, but they didn't get any good answers. This was decades ago, when they still thought that the hyperactivity component of ADHD was a necessary feature. Because I was capable of extended sedentary behavior--I've always loved to read--they ruled that out.

Through the testing, they determined my I.Q. is 141. I find that number meaningless. Those tests are hugely culturally biased; my social advantages have as much to do with the number as any inherent ability. I also tested in the 98th percentile on my SATs; 650 math and 660 English. Those scores really exemplify the shortcomings of standardized testing--I didn't get past Algebra II in math because I struggle with advanced math. All my SAT score proves is that I'm very good at taking advantage of multiple choice tests.

As I suggested, I believe I have undiagnosed ADHD. I'm glad they didn't figure it out, because they'd have given me speed to fit me into the parameters of institutional education. That systems favors and rewards drones on the treadmill. Instead, I learned to self-medicate with cannabis. With weed, I find contentment. It inspires a curiosity which helps maintain interest in whatever's in front of me. I'm glad you invoked Snoop Dogg, because he expressed it best, with his understated genius. After a brief period of abstinence, he explained why he went back to smoking: "Weed makes me feel the way I need to feel."

Would I be happier if I'd jumped on that treadmill, and there was an Audi in my driveway? I doubt it, and not just because studies show drivers of German luxury cars are bigger assholes (my apologies to any Porsche fans out there--it wasn't my study). I think Bill Hicks best summed up my philosophy about cannabis and striving for success:

“They lie about marijuana. Tell you pot-smoking makes you unmotivated. Lie! When you're high, you can do everything you normally do just as well — you just realize that it's not worth the fucking effort. There is a difference.”​

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Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I am not sure it has a lot of sense to test child that young but was tested when I was 5 and ended with the score 135.

I had a brillant scholar history up to high school, regardless of my rather high cannabis consumption at the time. I had my diploma with the best grade of my high school and with Suma cum laude (if that's the good world…). However I didn't go any further than a bachelor (still with the best grades though).

Anyway I am not sure cannabis helped me in any way and it is probably only due to my social background.
Weed calms my brain down to an acceptable level and allows me to deal with the general population.
Work is difficult because I can see the problems as soon as we start discussing something and people get annoyed by not having the chance to say their piece...
I can have these experiences as well and even if I mostly use weed alone or in small and close company, it does helps me to socialize.
Weed definitely helps my thoughts to stop spreading to a hundred directions at the same time and to focus one (mostly) one thing.

And I totally understand these words :
When I started using cannabis nearly my 40’s, it was like if I my brain had been working my whole life at 9000rpm and then, suddenly, I was 3000rpm. And it felt NICE. Beside that, I also discovered a lot of things, like different thinking and idea associations, which truly attracted my curiosity about cannabis and how it works in the brain, and, specially, how it can be used to improve my life.

My cannabis consumption saw a huge decrease when I discovered vaporization back in 2013. I eventually stopped using for more than a year. But then I went into others behaviors that today I identify as strategies to keep my brain focused on only one thing. Extreme sports have been one of these behaviors : it is a quite effective (but hazardous) way to keep your brain focused.

I use very little nowadays and I often do cannabreaks (I'm currently 4 weeks sober and plan to go to 5) and my thoughts often overwhelm me. It has been a nightmare falling asleep until a few days because my brain won't want to stop thinking. I really want to try to manage by myself to keep my brain calm and quiet, but I'm definitely not good at meditation. I always end up following a thought and leaving the present moment. I still have to keep back to observing my respiration, again and again.

Now I know cannabis is not just a recreational tool for me.
Radwin Bodnic,
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I remember I was a bit over 130 testing when I was a kid, and didn't try weed until college though then vaping after it was a steady climb of more regular use though I don't know if it's entirely a positive thing? Honestly probably helps as much as it hurts overall...


(zombie) Woof.


Well-Known Member
I can't do those tests to save my life😬
I'm so in awe of you all🤩


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This reminds me of an exchange between W Somerset Maugham (I think) and someone interviewing him. Maugham when asked, "Do you ever ask yourself why you are so smart?" replied "That is not the way the question presents itself".


Well-Known Member
Sounds like these poor old high-IQ types need to work on their social skills if anything 😜
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