(zombie) Woof.
Oh, we try, believe me....! It's a constant struggle, though, especially here.Sounds like these poor old high-IQ types need to work on their social skills if anything![]()
Oh, we try, believe me....! It's a constant struggle, though, especially here.Sounds like these poor old high-IQ types need to work on their social skills if anything![]()
This sounds very similar to me. Agree with your take here.Although it is fun to be good at taking tests, I don't personally take IQ tests too seriously. I recognize that I have intellectual gifts for taking tests. Big deal.
So many kinds of "intelligences" in the world. The older I get the more I respect the diversity of human intelligence. IQ "smarts" are but one type of intelligence.
So there it is. At at least one life stage I was certified as high IQ, and yet I can pass as a dolt. LOL
Also good points here. I know a great many "book smart" people who somehow make bad decisions because they don't do well with critical thinking. Biases and upbringing have a way of diluting or obscuring the truth about things. Confirmation bias is a stumbling block that "intelligent" people trip over often.High intelligence is great and all but I think what's always going to be more important, as we now see, is to teach everyone how to evaluate truthful claims and how to recognize appeals to bias. Most people, intelligence notwithstanding, are babes in the woods and delude themselves they they have understanding. It makes us really susceptible to finding and latching onto fears and bad ideas, manufactured and/or amplified, for which there can only be...someone's prescribed solution. Raw intelligence is almost useless without understanding how we learn, are persuaded, can be manipulated, etc. and the great unwashed are simply victims (and weapons)-in-waiting without it.
None of this matters unless you are a Certifiable Stable Genius.When I was in 6th Grade (then elementary school) the school tested my (obviously bright) younger brother.
To that point we'd had a healthy sibling rivalry, where the natural order of things (with the big brother in a position of total [but generally benevolent] dominance held fast).
But darn it all, if the "results" of Bobby's IQ test didn't disrupt the family dynamic.
Suddenly he's a "certified genius" (score of 140) and he starts strutting around like the cock of the walk.
I love my little brother deeply, this was the one time in his life when he became insufferable.
Finally, my mother--who was a teacher in the LAUSD and therefore had some clout with the district--showed up at school and demanded that the administration test me. They didn't want to do it. I suspect they'd concluded I was a dumb jock or that didn't otherwise fit their smart/perfect student profile.
Mom--a woman of unbending resolve--would not take no for an answer, but what a fight it took!
The school yielded just to prove her wrong, as she'd told them "if one of my kid's is gifted, it is Billy."
I take the test. The results come back. I'm told "there must have been some sort of mistake." The score it too high. 145.
So the school admin (who were reluctant to test in the first place) now demanded a re-test. Only this time they proposed to subject me to a longer and more in-depth version of the Stanford Binet.
I was like, "Great, I love taking tests," which was not the reaction they were hoping for, methinks. LOL
I retake the long test. Results come back. I'm up 5 more points. 150. They give up.
Little brother starts behaving. Life returns to normal.
Although it is fun to be good at taking tests, I don't personally take IQ tests too seriously. I recognize that I have intellectual gifts for taking tests. Big deal.
So many kinds of "intelligences" in the world. The older I get the more I respect the diversity of human intelligence. IQ "smarts" are but one type of intelligence.
So there it is. At at least one life stage I was certified as high IQ, and yet I can pass as a dolt. LOL
None of this matters unless you are a Certifiable Stable Genius.
None of this matters unless you are a Certifiable Stable Genius.
Fixed it for youUnfortunately, at the moment I'mcertifullycertifiably unstable. LOL
Fixed it for you![]()