Hi, thanks mate, for really feeling the mere warmth and presence of personality and unbiased obseevarion.Hang in there, Alexis! I send my best vibes to you.
I just bought the analog Herborizer Ti!
Thanks everyone for your advice. Feel free to keep it coming, since I need more stuff to read while it arrives...![]()
I am a master at pulling rabbits out of hats in extreme circumstances I have cracked on hard with some serious recharging sleep first and then some amazingly effective comprehensive treatments.
So I'm breathing about 85% better than I was 2 days ago and and for the last 7 weeks really suddenly which makes the world of difference itself and gives me a chance to to fix anything else.
So I've done phenomenally well so not just pull through but actually remedy substantial aspects of the overall with a good chance of moving forward with enough rest and sensible living.
Now, your Analogue Ti. Its no meager 2nd prize.
I would not be disappointed.
It just takes configuring. Longer heat up, bit can stay on so..amd only 10-15 mins max, 10 good.
You will get the perfirmance, extraction, vapor qualiry, effects, to same degree mostly, just slightly different in a consistency and replucabiliry sense.
You made no first Choice though at all very good one and I'm looking forward to you discovering that we are are telling you the truth here lol!

Please do make sure if you can do let us know when it arrives how it goes down.
Hope all fellas are good this week.