the electrician
Well-Known Member
try cutting a few small bits off and press them flat and you should be able to cover the screen easily
I think that's a huge part of it. The VHW seems to hold temp better, at a better price.Then again perhaps not as popular due to price.
max said:I think that's a huge part of it. The VHW seems to hold temp better, at a better price.Then again perhaps not as popular due to price.
Mr. Smoke No More said:Still saving to get a temp control herbo, no tube. but...
I just recently discovered de Verdamper vaporizer, not sure how i haven't heard of it as it has been around so long but i guess people just dont talk about it too much. Anyways i was just wondering if someone could give me a quick rundown of the comparisons between the 2. I know they are quite different, obviously its a task to put the DV on a tube, although they come with their own, and i'm looking for temp control so the herbo takes the cake here. And as far as cost, the herbo is about half the price. Also the nichrome heating element scares me. Any other info?
Get a glass piece for your Q. Then at a later date get either a VHW or Herbo. That way you will already have glass that you can use with your other vapes. Give you some time to decide which vape you want to buy, and give you the opportunity to enjoy using your Q with a bong. Sure you will have to use a whip, that is until you buy a VHW or a Herborizer.vape4life said:Do you need anymore? The fact that it's a constant temp seems to turn you off, not to mention the cost. Right now i'm very much debating the VHW, herbo, or just buy a glass bong for my Q. I kind of like the all in one setup with the Herbo...hands free...but the temp regulator just makes the cost a little too steep for what you're getting IMO. I'm sure the constant 190C is fine as I usually set my Q to about 220ish and don't really adjust it from there.
The VHW is a sweet setup, but the hassle of always holding that wand up to the bowl and apparently quite fragile and a bit of a learning curve.
I keep going back to the Q, but i'm not sure I want a whip between the vape and bong. The shortest path to your lungs is ideal and I still have a hard time grasping the "warm up time" aspect of it. I wanna pack and go, and not pack and wait 10-15 minutes for the herbs to warm up to get any decent vapour.
Q obviously is the cheapest option... with the Herbo being the most expensive. In the end, I guess it really doesn't matter as long as it gets you vaked!
thanks Max, you avoid me a harsh intro in my first post after a real long timemax said:Let's keep in mind that this is a Herbo thread.
I experienced the opposite. I found my herbo to give much thicker, fuller hits when compared to the vhw.vape4life said:Thanks for the feedback but i'm not sure I understand correctly. Are you saying that the herbo doesn't give as thick hits as the VHW? Perhaps more but smaller hits? It was an easy decision for me to go with the VHW due to saving alot of money over the herbo, but I still will eventually buy a herbo as well as probably verdamper.
marcuss said:i try to explain it again......example with a given amount of 0.2 gr. i can take 6 huge, thick clouds with the VHW then the taste turn spent and pop more!
the same amount in the Herbo at 7/8 temp on the knob can give 10/12 hits, starting with the best taste/low vapor for the first 2 hits, then more milky vapor and still great taste for the second 6/8 hits, then still milky vapor but taste start turn pop corn with the last 2 hits......
This say to me that the VHW extacts all the good quicker and it turn the taste earlier.....the Herbo give more time to play with it, leaving the amazing taste longer and giving a clear cerebral buzz....the VHW sometimes leave me tooo stoned....remember i do prefer the HIGH pure thc effect than the STONE couchlock, more cbd/cbn i'm not saying one is better that other....they are just different!
Amen max, but dont hold your breath, i been looking for like a year. got a few offers but not on any XL controls, which i definately feel i would need. Can't wait to get my mits on one of these though.max said:Great comparison marcuss.You continue to keep me interested in the Herbo. Now if I could only find a half price sale. :/
I ordered mine straight from Herborizer in france. Got here in somewhat timely manor and the owner is a real nice guy (speaks great english too!). I think that'd be the best place to grab one. As far as best price I think your stuck with the price on their website unless you came across something used.sirwalter said:The Herborizer looks real nice!- but Im not finding sites in the US that carry them. Is it best to just order from France? Wheres the best price? thanks!