i see you prefer the herborizer over the flower pot?
Well, to be clear- nobody said that exactly! It hasn't been ruled as a non possibility, and is open to debate...but I don't believe there have been any outright confirmed cases thus far (although some have gestured).
The Ti is an exceptional vape. If it wasn't for the Flowerpot and Showerhead, there would be a lot more attention and praise for the Ti.
I am not at all unhappy that I will be using the Ti soon as my desktop. I would almost certainly be using the Showerhead if allergies permitted, because it is a feat of revolutionary excellence.
But the Herbo Ti is no meager consolation. Crikey no way! A few niggling drawbacks for some who prefer other top models, mainly on practical grounds. Vapor quality, effects and smoothness are right up there in my book.
@pxl_jockey sorry for your virus bro. I know how you feel, trust me. Always the worst at the start. Just get max rest, ride these days out and try to detach yourself from the depression and bleakness these critters create to weaken us further for their own comfort as they move in and throw a house party!
It will pass and Spring will be here, winter blues a faint memory. With luck by then some peece of mind and an exciting new toy to get to know! One day at a time, just stay uo bro. Your only real concern of course is you want to make the most of
@Hogni 's kindness and sacrifice
(I mean, what a noble thing to part with Ti and leave only Showerhead to survive the days!!

Just kidding Hogni. Im really glad that I declined your warm offer and that pxl can have this great opportunity. A much more worthwhile and deserving purpose.
Im sure if you don't get better quiclly
@pxl_jockey Hogni may be willing to extend the return date slightly so you get a sufficient test. And we all want to hear the impressions of a well you. Im with you bro anyway hang in there and get well in peace!

My friends- all is well with me today. A remarkable improvement on multiple levels. My commitmment to my healing recently is coming good.

One day at time though.
AND- I have some news (or confirmation) about the Digital! I will share later or very soon. Busy day, dinner next.