@latulipe999 - I just learned a couple of new things about you, how did I not know?
1) that you're a credentialed vape expert! For NORML-FRANCE no less, very nice my friend.
2) that you just had your FC 1 year anniversary. I thought you were old-timer around here!
Isn't Sebastien also in the South, but east? So for you lucky dude, it's a (relatively) short journey to the Herborizer workshop. If I may be so nerdy, would you mind taking a photo of the dream factory? So I also need to ask, are you presenting on the herborizer specifically or also touching on vaporization? Maybe vaporization community is simply larger in France. Sorry for all the questions, man, lol. What a PITA
I ask the last one because I can imagine at a NORML-UK event, many wouldn't no much, if anything, about vaporization as it pertains to our interests. I could be very wrong but I've seen very little except the crappy, low-end questionable shit anywhere I've been in England, Wales or Scotland. I had no interest in vaping because of what I thought it meant, until discovering FC last spring. I did try a Volcano & Verdamper in 2008, but both were pricey investments then. So I always wonder how many of us are there in UK? I live in nowheresville personally, but I've been in a lot of headshops whilst travelling and very little vape stuff.
On the ROOR conversation, it's beautiful glass in person but I haven't hit one. I've no reason to doubt
@lazylathe at all, so my thought is it's sublime. I'm sure it's worth it for the price he and
@Dubmonkey paid. I had a line on two places for $250 and really hesitated! In the end, the big Bubbler was much less for me; right now I must stay focused on saving for the "Master of my Domain"

! If the Bubbler simply has me in massive orgasms, then I might double-down on the Vapor body later. But not for 300€ and if Seb's glass is rocking my world, then do I really need to double-down? It's probably best to just be mature and happy with what I have and use that cash on herb, I tell myself. Idk, the grass is always greener!
After I finish agonising over the coming months in my #desktopdecision'18, then I'll have time to anguish over some other self-manufactured "first world problem". You know, rather than just stop wanting/buying!
This is why I don't have time for the probs of
@Alexis afterall, and his digi-analog conundrum. We all have problems, sir. Good day!

Sorry I just lashed out, man, I'm really high strung with two toys in transit. I'm high strung and simply high

and that's a bad combination. I'm happy to see the activities in the corner!