I do have a question about the Bubbler body, concerning the two sizes. The larger XL Bubbler body is the same height (25cm) as @lazy's roor vapor body and the one currently offered by Sebastien with the Ti is the size shown in the brilliant video by
@bleak (20cm)? It just seems even smaller in his hand... But then I also imagine
@lazylathe has freaking huge monster lungs that can handle twice the volume and I get scared that I'll hyperventilate just filling the can and have to exhale/inhale to get any vapor! That's no fun.
For those with experience, is the XL body preferred to the current Ti body? I instinctively want the larger can, but not sure if my lungs really need or handle the extra volume. I don't have athletes lungs and want to absorb the vapor as best I can so there's a limit to how huge hit is practical. I'm after flavour and effect, not looking for big clouds because who do I have to impress? My wife?

I still wonder and think: why Sebastien discontinued the XL body and only offers the smaller option for Ti? Is it a science or sales decision? Same thing with Sphere, now it's just XL and no basic. I don't know?
I know I can get the XL at Verdampftnochmal but if the smaller option with Ti is deemed superior by design or by consensus then I should heed the advice. Right? I've heard from other members with one of the heavyweights that they really like a smaller can and very little water&diffusion for flavour and density.
So I'm asking those of you with knowledge to take a moment and share your thoughts. Because I literally have no idea or clue because I have never experienced a "heavyweight" through a water tool. Help me?!

Hey friend, hope you are doing good. I have been thinking about you with some anxiety and really curious how your 7th Jan appointment went, hoping real bad you get what you deserve and need. I looked to see your activity with a search last week for clues how it went- when I saw no activity after Friday 5th Jan for a week, I was concerned you had gotten disappointing news and had withdrawn from sharing here and feeling down.
So it was a real relief to see you up and bouncing again in the Nano thread, still with us, alive and kicking in good spirit! You are such a bright and warm inspiration around here. By all means dude, bring that energy and enthusiasm to Herbo corner, this place deserves a little more passion for home of such a great, and still very underrated (and still fairly unknown, globally) vaporzer in the Ti!
I can tell you now, I for one am solidly hell bent on getting the Ti again very soon if I can find a buyer for my GS.
And it would be a nice bonus to have you to share this great toy with down the line. No salt in my wound to see you loving your FP or GS, maybe instead I can read your joy and satisfaction with a top desktop I CAN use myself!
But whatever route you go man, you have my support- I still wanna hear all the tales!
Now sir- to your question: first off- you made one error:
@lazylathe 's Roor bubbler is 12 inches tall= 30 cm!
Im not sure the exact height of the Ti bubbler, I will assume you got that one right at 20cm?
And the XL bubbler at 25 cm, sitting in the middle. I was dead sure you were mistaken about the 5cm difference between the Ti and Roor bubbler.
It is the added height that makes the Roor bubbler so great. I appreciate what you are saying about not wanting such a large can for ease of inhalation sake.
However I strongly feel that the Ti bubbler is just too small and too short.
Personally I would choose the taller Roor bubbler all day long out of the 3 if it wasn't so expensive.
I would never even consider the small Ti bubbler. I'm sure I would also prefer the Roor model to the XL.
And I would pick the XL bubbler over the Ti. Maybe this would be large enough for your specific preferences/ ease of inhalation etc.
The bubblers are very narrow, so even though it seems tall, the can volume is not so large as it seems.
Myself, I would only want the Roor model out of the three. I am really looking forward to using the Ti with my new FC-UFO. It is currently my favourite piece and I much prefer it to the 186.
The draw resistance is just perfect. I don't run out of air taking as long and large a hit as I ever need or my lungs can handle. The draw is very responsive. It is easy to milk and get the vapor flowing and you can also watch the can fill and empty as you inhale which he can't do with the 186 unless you look straight down (like, underneath my glasses lol). It also takes a double start to get the 186 going. Hard to describe, but it's like I pull, thev186 oulls back, I pull again and we have lift off! It's like a tug of war to get going!
Also no blowback with the UFO- I like a good amount of water myself for cooling, and with the UFO there is still no noticeable blowback even with several inches of water. The FC-186 has too much blowback, which increases massively with a higher water level.
I also run out of air with the 186 which can be a lot harder to milk and clear for a large hit. It is slightly smoother I feel than the UFO. I like the whip option as well with the UFO, I also like the glass mouthpiece.
Okay thoughts run dry. Brain too tired from the exertion- must...reach...power source...

Good to have you back with us bro, really hope your situation is on track for a perfect and fair resolution, and SOON so you can look forward and focus your sights on desktop utopia!