Alan Partridge
Smell my cheese
Thanks @Alexis! I was confusing the injector with the bowl sizes! So the Herbo Ti injector, is the same size as the bowl? 14 or 18 yeah? And that's why the injector fits an 18mm double female? I think it's all starting to come together now!
Still curious if the kit comes with a small case for the herbo parts? I'm looking forward to the Bubbler! Not RooR quality or even size, but still looks like a cool piece, that i've never had in my arsenal before. I'm not interested in the long tube, but the sphere I think I might need!
Ahhhhhhh so you can relate!!!!!!!! I have these same allergy issues, but ONLY with pure convection vapes, with finer grinds. For this reason i've switched to coarser grinds, or better yet NO grinding! So you just pop the screen in the bottom of the bowl, so it traps before your glass piece yeah? I couldn't use the VHW due to my brutal sneezing it caused!
@stickstones have you experimented with no grinding yet?!
You got it! Heater is 18m, bowl 18f top and 18m bottom
Mine came with a small black case. I can certainly relate to brutal sneezing I have to wash my hands pretty much every time I touch weed. If I touch my face after I'm screwed. Tbh I've been ok with all vapes I tried, but this one really got me until I put the screen in. As you described