I decided to put some precious rations into the XL today. I cant say what will happen to (her or him, take your pick!) In due course.
I will first try the Ti, and if it works equally well, or better, than the XL for the essential oil hemp fiber method, and it works for me as a vape and tolerable- then the XL may see a new home!
Too early to say. I get why people like being able to put large loads in and sip for hours.
It is a brilliant social vaporizer for gradual stoning and conversation.
But Im sure the Ti could be used for a relaxed, drawn out social occasion. Just approach it right.
I will keep this in mind though, in case I have abundant medicine supply and well enough to socialise. But the Ti is so much more exciting and show stopping! This is what I want, the showstopper!
And it sounds like it will easily be my strongest vape ever. Way more than XL, and Verdamoer I fully expect
This reminds me of the cadburys cream egg advert, with the slogan "How do you do yours?" or something.
I figure I will try different things out and just see, no preconceptions. I will begin by putting some weed in there, and toking on it and see what happens! Then take it from there. I know the vaporizer is a true beast, so Im not anxious about how it will work for me, Im prepared for it to be different in whichever way.
My only real concern will be how I tolerate the vapor with my allergies. Nothing to do with the materials, just the nature of the vapor. In the worst case and it isnt going to work out, at least I can have some fun getting potential buyers enticed!

Im sure I could get my money back on it easily.
So I hope it works out for me. And with the oils as well, I would like to sell the XL.
Except my friend Dave has the XL sphere too. He is my only vaporiser session buddy in the world. I dont see him often, but when I go over there I take my own XL bowl and mouthpiece. (For hygiene sake and also so I can have my own load ready and we can switch loads and take turns with weed of choice- I can never use his weed, and mine is limited for sharing.
So the bowl is handy. But I am encouraging Dave to get the Ti. Then that would be perfect!
I still plan to get an extra Ti bubbler mouthpiece from Sebastien. Just shipping costs on top, no urgency yet.