I don't understand how homeopathy could be a factor in taking a t break as it's unrelated to how your body works, that's all.
Regarding the diffusion/flavor debate I just find that what you gain in smoothness is a fraction of what you lose in flavor after a certain level of percolation and this is most noticeable to me with a fantastic tasting vape as the Herborizer but as you said everyone is different!
I have been pagued for 12 years by multiple chronic infections all over my body due to contracting Lyme Disease in 2004 and my imune system being heavily compromised.
I have overcome dozens and dozens of major infections, but have continued to pick up more due to my compromised immunity.
My lungs in particular have been heavily affected. I have had at least 2 infections in both lungs every single day since 2005, sometimes as many as 6 infections in each lung simultaneously. No joke honest!
And I have also had the most severe allergies you can possibly imagine this whole time. I react to thjngs that noone has ever reacted to before. I have not even been able to use toothpaste since 2006! There are thousands of foods, herbs, supplements, drinks etc that I have to avoid. I suffer from severe excesive mucus production in my respiratory tract due to the infections and the allergies.
Every time I eat food, my lungs fill up with mucus and I have to spend at least an hour after eating clearing the mucus from my lungs, or else I will literally choke to death.
It is a 24/7 task to manage symptoms. When you treat infections successfully, especially when they are in the lungs, lots of excessive mucus is produced to be cleared by the respiratory tract due to the pathogens being killed off and releasing "biofilm" from the lungs and toxins etc.
It is a case of having to suffer in order to get better. It is always worth it though.
The homeopathy is prescribed for me specifically for the exact pathogens I have in my body at the time. It is very, very effective at reducing and eliminating infection.
However when I take the treatment which is for 30 days, the "die off" from the infections is so intense, my lungs are swamped by mucus breaking up. Each day there is noticeable improvement, and after the 30 days the world is a totally different place, but it takes a few days for the mucus to settle down.
I am also allergic to cannabis, but love my vapor so much and it keeps me sane. I vape but I have to manage the allergic respiratory reaction which causes more excessive mucus and inflammation.
It is simply impossible for me to manage this allergy reaction to vaporizing at the same time as I am treating the infections with homeopathy. There is just too much mucus to deal with.Therefore I have to leave vapor aside until after the medicine.
I will be using edibles every day probably, so no T break, just different.
I hope you can relate to my situation better now. There are trillions of variables we all have our own unique experience, physiology and circumstances and we must be open to all possibilities and a far greater understanding of things than we mere mortals can achieve.
@The Beagle , I owned my XL for a year before I discovered the injector was faulty. It wasnt hearing up properly. I would never have realised if I hadnt tried a friends model to compare.
The injector was replaced in August. I do expect this cpuld happen to any XL owner out there. If you get a chance, try another model and compare it.
I did actually wonder if your own injector may be cooler actually. I know you like max heat, but I really dont think that is necessary with the XL, especially with a big load. Maybe your injector is faulty too?
Also, regarding temp, Im not saying the Herborizer is a harsh vaporizer at all. My allergies dispose me to having very sensitive lungs. I could never smoke weed, and higher heat bothers me a lot more. Hope this helps clarify some things.